요약 12
제1장 서론 14
제2장 연구방법 19
1. 연구 대상자 19
가. 모집 과정 19
나. 대상자 정보 22
2. 연구 도구 32
가. 이명 상담 콘텐츠 32
나. 평가 도구 36
3. 연구 절차 37
4. 통계분석 40
제3장 연구결과 41
1. 상담 2주 전과 상담 전 결과 41
가. 평가도구별 추론통계 결과 42
2. 상담 전과 상담 후 결과 46
가. 평가도구별 기술통계 결과 46
나. 평가도구별 추론통계 결과 50
제4장 고찰 56
제5장 결론 63
제6장 참고문헌 64
영문초록 71
부록 11
〈부록 1〉 한국어판 이명주요기능설문지 73
〈부록 2〉 시각아날로그척도 74
〈부록 3〉 청력 및 이명검사지 75
〈부록 4〉 이명 상담 콘텐츠 질문목록 76
〈부록 5〉 이명기초설문지 81
〈부록 6〉 한림대학교 생명윤리위원회 심의결과통지서 85
〈부록 7〉 ISRCTN registry 사전 등록 86
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria of participants. 22
Table 2. Demographic characteristic of participants. 22
Table 3. Average left ear pure-tone thresholds for the two groups. 25
Table 4. Average right ear pure-tone thresholds for the two groups. 27
Table 5. Tinnitus-related characteristics for the two groups. 29
Table 6. Baseline scores of K-TPFQ for the two groups. 30
Table 7. Baseline scores of VAS for the two groups. 31
Table 8. Scores of K-TPFQ at 2 weeks before baseline and baseline for the online group counseling group. 42
Table 9. Scores of K-TPFQ at 2 weeks before baseline and baseline for the video viewing group. 43
Table 10. Scores of VAS at 2 weeks before baseline and baseline for the online group counseling group. 44
Table 11. Scores of VAS at 2 weeks before baseline and baseline for the video viewing group. 45
Table 12. Average difference scores of K-TPFQ at baseline and follow-up for the online group counseling group. 46
Table 13. Average difference scores of K-TPFQ at baseline and follow-up for the video viewing group. 47
Table 14. Average difference scores of VAS at baseline and follow-up for the online group counseling group. 48
Table 15. Average difference scores of VAS at baseline and follow-up for the video viewing group. 49
Table 16. Scores of K-TPFQ at baseline and follow-up for the online group counseling group. 50
Table 17. Scores of K-TPFQ at baseline and follow-up for the video viewing group. 51
Table 18. Scores of VAS at baseline and follow-up for the online group counseling group. 54
Table 19. Scores of VAS at baseline and follow-up for the video viewing group. 54
Table 20. Average satisfaction survey score for 6 sessions per online group counseling group participants. 60
Table 21. Average satisfaction survey score for 12 sessions per video viewing group participants. 61
Figure 1. Flowchart of study including exclusion criteria, inclusion and screening process. 20
Figure 2. Audiograms of the left ear for the two groups. 23
Figure 3. Audiograms of the right ear for the two groups. 24
Figure 4. Example video snapshot for question 55, "What is the difference between tinnitus and auditory hallucinations?." 33
Figure 5. Example video snapshot for question 23, "Does Meniere's disease cause tinnitus?". 35
Figure 6. Averaged total scores of the K-TPFQ for the two groups at 2 weeks before baseline, baseline, follow-up sessions. 52
Figure 7. Averaged scores of K-TPFQ for emotion, hearing, concentration, sleep for the two groups at 2 weeks before baseline, baseline, follow-up sessions. 53
Figure 8. Averaged scores of VAS for annoyance, loudness for the two groups at 2 weeks before baseline, baseline, follow-up sessions. 55
Figure 9. Improvement of the emotion of K-TPFQ score for the two groups. 58
Figure 10. Improvement of the VAS for annoyance score for the two groups. 58