Title Page
영문초록 7
제1장 서론 9
1. 배경 9
2. 연구대상 및 방법 11
제2장 본론 13
1. 결과 13
2. 고찰 15
제3장 결론 24
참고문헌 30
국문초록 35
그림 1. A Volcano plot of NGS data. Volcano plot showed the difference in miRNA expression between normal skin and cholesteatoma tissue. Green... 25
그림 2. Gene ontology classified differentially expressed miRNAs according to their functions. The number on the bar represented the count of valid... 26
그림 3. A hierarchical clustering heatmap was used to determine the similarity of miRNA expression between samples (FC≥4 and p 〈0.01). The... 27
그림 4. The three-dimensional principal coordinates analysis revealed a clustering pattern between the two groups, determined by the position of... 28
그림 5. KEGG signaling pathways and diagrams enriched by differentially expressed miRNAs. Seventy-eight significant KEGG biological processes were... 29