Title Page
1. Introduction 13
1.1. Background of the study 13
1.2. Importance of achieving Net Zero 2050 and its role strategy and policy 16
1.2.1. Importance of achieving Net Zero Target 16
1.2.2. The importance of Strategy design and policy tool utilization in achieving Net Zero Target 17
1.3. Statement of the problem 18
1.4. Objectives of the study 21
2. Literature review 26
2.1. Overview of Net Zero 2050 26
2.1.1. Concept definition and global importance 26
2.1.2. Key milestones and global efforts 27
2.2. Vietnam and South Korea's commitment & efforts toward Net Zero or Carbon Neutrality Target 29
2.2.1. South Korea's actions toward Carbon Neutrality Target - key policies and their Impacts 29
2.2.2. Vietnam's commitment & strategies toward Net Zero Target - current policies and their effectiveness 34
2.2.3. International experiences and similarities between Vietnam and South Korea 36
2.3. Framework for assessing and advancing National Strategies to meet Net Zero Targets 40
3. Data collecting & methodology 50
3.1. Data collecting 51
3.2. The role of Data collecting for the research objectives and outcomes 53
3.3. Methodology 54
4. Results and discussion 58
4.1. General overview on results data 58
4.1.1. Reliability analysis 58
4.1.2. Descriptives data analysis 59
4.1.3. ANOVA-Oneway Test Results 61
4.2. Evaluating and discussing on Vietnam's current strategy and policy, and the potential application of South Korea's Experience 64
4.2.1. Group of Scope Elements 64
4.2.2. Group of Architecture Elements 67
4.2.3. Group of Transparency Elements 69
4.3. Data content results 70
4.4. Understanding of research outcomes and proposed Solutions 74
4.4.1. Integrated understandings from research data outcomes 74
4.4.2. Proposed solutions 76
5. Conclusion 80
5.1. Key findings and policy recommendations for enhancing Vietnam's Net Zero Strategy 80
5.1.1. Key findings 80
5.1.2. Implications for Vietnam's Net Zero Strategy 80
5.2. Potential areas for further research 82
5.3. Final remark for research 83
국문초록 85
Appendicies 86
Appendix 1. Experts Information 86
Appendix 2. General Questionnaires 88
Appendix 3. Elements Questionnaires 89
Appendix 4. Experts individual opinion 92
Table. 1-1. Vietnam GHG emission inventory by Year and Sector (Vietnam GHG inventory Technical Report 2021) 15
Table. 2-1. Vietnam GHG emission target by 2050 29
Table. 2-2. South Korea's Legal Documents Relevant to Carbon Neutrality Target 30
Table. 2-3. Vietnam's main strategies and policies relevant to Net Zero target 2050 35
Table. 2-4. Scope Elements Group and implementation solutions 43
Table. 2-5. Architecture Elements Group and implementation solutions 44
Table. 2-6. Transparency Elements Group and implementation solutions 45
Table. 2-7. Comparison of current Strategies of South Korea and Vietnam by group of Scope elements 46
Table. 2-8. Comparison of current Strategies of South Korea and Vietnam by group of Architecture elements 47
Table. 2-9. Comparison of current Strategies of South Korea and Vietnam by group of Transparency elements 48
Table. 3-1. Examples of the structure of the Research Questionnaires 52
Table. 3-2. The main objectives of the question's content structure 52
Table. 3-3. Coding Rules 55
Table. 3-4. Example Coding rule for Content Analysis method 56
Table. 4-1. Reliability Statistics results 58
Table. 4-2. Vietnamese expert's opinion on Vietnam's Net-zero policy and strategy, and potential study from South Korea's experiences 60
Table. 4-3. ANOVA-Oneway Results between Groups of Elements 62
Table. 4-4. ANOVA Test result of Scope Elements Group 63
Table. 4-5. ANOVA Test result of Architecture Elements Group 63
Table. 4-6. ANOVA Test result of Architecture Elements Group 64
Table. 4-7. Descriptive data regarding Group of Scope Elements. 65
Table. 4-8. Descriptive data regarding Group of Architecture Elements 67
Table. 4-9. Descriptive data regarding Group of Transparency Elements 69
Table. 4-10. Summary of Proposals for enhancing policies and strategies and the potential study from Korea's experiences towards Vietnam's Net Zero Goal - Scope Elements 77
Table. 4-11. Summary of Proposals for enhancing policies and strategies and the potential study from Korea's experiences towards Vietnam's Net Zero Goal - Architecture Elements 78
Table. 4-12. Summary of Proposals for enhancing policies and strategies and the potential study from Korea's experiences towards Vietnam's Net Zero Goal - Transparency Elements 79
Figure 1-1. Action across seven sectors in Vietnam could result in Net Zero 2050 23
Figure 2-1. South Korea Trends of total greenhouse gas emissions since 2010 31
Figure 2-2. Current Status of the New and Renewable Energy Industry 32
Figure 2-3. Vietnam and South Korea 's Geographical 39
Figure 2-4. Identified good practice for all ten key elements in the Climate Action Tracker's evaluation methodology for countries' net zero targets 42
Figure 4-1. Expert content's concentration Result 71