Title Page
Abbreviation 9
1. Introduction 12
1.1. Background 12
1.2. Problem statement 13
1.3. Research questions 15
1.4. Objectives 15
1.4.1. Main Objective 15
1.4.2. Specific objectives 15
1.5. Importance of study 15
2. Literature Review 16
2.1. Background 16
2.2. Traffic Congestion 17
2.2.1. Definition of traffic congestion 17
2.2.2. Classification of Urban Transport Problems 18
2.2.3. Causes of traffic congestion 22
2.2.4. Effects of traffic congestion 25
2.2.5. Possible solution to traffic congestion 29
3. Methodology 31
3.1. Research design 31
3.2. Unit of Analysis 32
3.3. Data collection 32
3.3.1. Type of data and source 32
3.3.2. Data Collection Methods 32
3.3.3. Questionnaire 32
3.3.4. Data Validity 34
3.4. Data analysis 35
4. Results and Discussion 37
4.1. Socio-economic characteristics (Demographic information) 37
4.2. Kampala city road users travel experience information. 38
4.3. Road users view on the causes, effects and possible solution on traffic Congestion in Kampala city. 39
4.3.1. Causes Of Traffic Congestion from road user's perception and views 39
4.3.2. Effects of Traffic Congestion for road users perceptions and views 41
5. Conclusion and Recommendation 46
5.1. Conclusion 46
5.2. Recommendations 47
5.3. Policy Implications (Practical) 49
5.4. Limitations 50
Appendices 55
국문초록 65
Table 2.1. Alternate definitions of congestion 17
Table 2.2. Classification of Urban Transport Problems 19
Table 3.1. Team leaders with different tasks during data collections 34
Table 3.2. Importance level from RII 36
Table 4.1. Summaries of the Road Users Social-Economic Characteristics (Demographic Information). 37
Table 4.2. Summaries of Kampala city road users travel experience information 38
Table 4.3. Summaries of the Rankings 40
Table 4.4. Summaries of the Rankings 42
Table 4.5. Summaries of the Rankings 44
Figure 4.1. Rankings on the causes of traffic congestion from Kampala's road users views 39
Figure 4.2. Rankings on the effects of traffic congestions from Kampala road Users perceptions 41
Figure 4.3. Rankings on the possible solutions of traffic congestion from Kampala road users views 44