Title Page
Section 1. Introduction 8
Section 2. Deep Support Vector Data Description 13
(1) Soft-boundary deep SVDD 14
(2) One-class deep SVDD 14
Section 3. Methodology 17
3. Density-weighted Deep Support Vector Data Description 17
Section 4. Experimental Study 23
4.1. Anomaly Detection Experiments to Benchmark Datasets 23
4.1.1. Experimental Settings for Benchmark Datasets 26
4.1.2. Experiment Results to Benchmark Datasets 30
4.2 Experiment for Vibration Signal Collected from Bearing Simulator 37
4.2.1. Experimental Settings for Bearing Simulator 39
4.2.2. Experimental Results of Bearing Simulator Dataset 43
Section 5. Conclusions 44
References 45