제1장 서론 11
1.1. 연구의 배경 11
1.2. 연구의 목적 12
제2장 재료 및 방법 13
2.1. 연구방법 13
2.1.1. 조사시기 13
2.1.2. 조사지점 14
2.1.3. 현장조사 방법 16
2.1.4. 조류 군집특성 분석 방법 16
제3장 연구 결과 18
3.1. 밀양강 일대의 하천환경 18
3.1.1. 기상현황 18
3.1.2. 밀양강 하천환경 개황 19
3.1.3. 밀양강 일대의 조류상 20
3.2. 밀양강 일대 구간별 조류 분포 현황 20
3.2.1. 상류구간 20
3.2.2. 중류구간 21
3.2.3. 하류구간 21
3.3. 밀양강 일대 계절별 조류 분포 현황 24
3.3.1. 조사구간 전체 24
3.3.2. 상류구간 27
3.3.3. 중류구간 30
3.3.4. 하류구간 33
제4장 결론 및 고찰 36
4.1. 결론 36
4.1.1. 밀양강 일대의 구간별 조류군집분석 37
4.1.2. 밀양강 일대의 계절별 조류군집분석 37
4.2. 고찰 38
참고문헌 40
Appendix 44
Table 2.1. Survey period 13
Table 2.2. Detailed locations of each survey section 14
Table 3.1. Weather status in the survey area 18
Table 3.2. Current status of bird in Miryang River (2021~2022) 25
Table 3.3. Current status of bird in upstream (2021~2022) 28
Table 3.4. Current status of bird in midstream (2021~2022) 31
Table 3.5. Current status of bird in downstream (2021~2022) 34
Figure 2.1. Locations of study subjects (Mirayng River) 15
Figure 3.1. Comparison of bird community characteristics by section of Miryang River 22
Figure 3.2. Classification by arrival pattern and the current status of dominant species of Miryang River 23
Figure 3.3. Seasonal current status of bird in Miryang River (2021~2022) 25
Figure 3.4. Seasonal bird community characteristics in Miryang River (2021~2022) 26
Figure 3.5. Seasonal classification by arrival pattern and the current status of dominant species in Miryang River (2021~2022) 26
Figure 3.6. Seasonal current status of bird in upstream (2021~2022) 28
Figure 3.7. Seasonal bird community characteristics in upstream (2021~2022) 29
Figure 3.8. Seasonal classification by arrival pattern and the current status of dominant species in upstream (2021~2022) 29
Figure 3.9. Seasonal current status of bird in midstream (2021~2022) 31
Figure 3.10. Seasonal bird community characteristics in midstream (2021~2022) 32
Figure 3.11. Seasonal classification by arrival pattern and the current status of dominant species in midstream (2021~2022) 32
Figure 3.12. Seasonal current status of bird in downstream (2021~2022) 34
Figure 3.13. Seasonal bird community characteristics in downstream (2021~2022) 35
Figure 3.14. Seasonal classification by arrival pattern and the current status of dominant species in downstream (2021~2022) 35