Title Page
Abstract 12
Chapter 1. Introduction 14
1.1. Background and Motivation 14
1.2. Previous research 15
1.3. Research objectives 16
Chapter 2. Cuboid-RANSAC 20
2.1. RANSAC 20
2.1.1. RANSAC Plane Fitting 21
2.2. Cuboid Reconstruction 23
2.2.1. Cuboid Reconstruction with Three Planes 24
2.2.2. Cuboid Reconstruction with Two Planes 26
2.2.3. Cuboid Reconstruction with One Plane 28
Chapter 3. Fuzzy Cuboid-RANSAC 30
3.1. Fuzzy Inference 30
3.1.1. Objective Function 31
3.1.2. Fuzzification of Data 34
3.1.3. Fuzzy Membership Functions 37
3.1.4. Fuzzy Rules 39
3.1.5. Fuzzy Inference 41
3.2. Fuzzy RANSAC 43
3.2.1. Initial Data Selection 43
3.2.2. Determining Cutoff Distance 46
3.2.3. Termination Criteria for Iteration 53
3.2.4. Fuzzy Cuboid-RANSAC Algorithm 53
Chapter 4. Experiments 58
4.1. Experimental Setup 58
4.2. Evaluation Metrics 59
4.3. Experimental Result 64
4.3.1. Surface Error 64
4.3.2. Time Duration 68
4.3.3. Box Plot for Distance 70
Chapter 5. Conclusion 74
References 76
초록 82
Table 3.1. Fuzzy rule table. 42
Table 3.2. Descriptive Statistic of point cloud. 47
Table 4.1. Root Mean Square Error 65
Table 4.2. Iteration and time duration comparison 69
Table 4.3. Distance distribution for each algorithm based on quantiles 72
Figure 2.1. The line fitting using RANSAC algorithm 22
Figure 2.2. The Example of finding third plane when only two planes exist. 27
Figure 2.3. Rotating caliper algorithms to find optimal plane 29
Figure 3.1. The relation between the normalized distance and the membership value according fuzziness m. 35
Figure 3.2. The examples of parametrized membership function 38
Figure 3.3. The fuzzy membership function of fuzzy Cuboid-RANSAC 40
Figure 3.4. The fuzzy classifier 42
Figure 3.5. The objective function graph by normalized distance 45
Figure 3.6. The distance between the point cloud assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution 47
Figure 3.7. Ensenso X36 Camera 48
Figure 3.8. The scene of plane captured by Ensenso X36 49
Figure 3.9. z-value of point cloud captured by Ensenso X36 50
Figure 3.10. QQ-plot for distributions of z-value 52
Figure 3.11. Comparisons between normalized z-value with Gaussian distribution 52
Figure 4.1. RGB image of boxes captured by Ensenso camera 60
Figure 4.2. Instance Segmentation by Sipmask model 61
Figure 4.3. Segmented point cloud for reconstructing cuboid 62
Figure 4.4. OptiTrack Equipments 63
Figure 4.5. Surface error calculation 65
Figure 4.6. Cuboid reconstruction result for actual point cloud 66
Figure 4.7. Cuboid reconstruction result for unordered scene 67
Figure 4.8. Box plot of distance between points and planes 72