Title Page
Ⅰ. Introduction 12
1.1. Research Background and Purpose 12
1.1.1. Research Background 12
1.1.2. Research Purpose 14
1.2. Research Questions 16
1.2.1. Since the Implementation of the "Double Reduction"Policy, What is the State of Off-Campus Training? 16
1.2.2. What are the Problems Existing in the Management of Off-Campus Training? 17
1.2.3. What are the Proposed Improvement Options for the Governance of Off-Campus Training? 18
1.3. Significance of the Research 19
1.3.1. Theoretical Significance 19
1.3.2. Practical Significance 19
1.3.3. Policy Significance 20
1.4. Conceptual Definition 20
1.4.1. Off-Campus Training 20
1.4.2. Collaborative Governance 22
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background 23
2.1. Research on Double Reduction Policy 24
2.1.1. The Background of the Double Reduction Policy 24
2.1.2. The Purpose of the Promulgation of the Double Reduction Policy 24
2.1.3. The Contents of the Double Reduction Policy 24
2.2. Research on Off-Campus Training 25
2.2.1. The Concepts Related to Off-Campus Training 25
2.2.2. The Scale of Off-Campus Training 26
2.2.3. The Problems With Off-Campus Training 28
2.3. Research on the Governance of Off-Campus Training 29
2.3.1. Preceding Research in China 29
2.3.2. Preceding Research Abroad 30
2.3.3. Prospect Research on the Governance of Off-Campus Training 34
Ⅲ. Research Methods 36
3.1. Research Subjects 36
3.2. Research Tools 37
3.2.1. Questionnaire 38
3.2.2. Interview Outline 40
3.3. Research Steps 42
3.4. Analytical Methods 44
Ⅳ. Research Results 46
4.1. Distribution and Statistics of Research Questionnaires 46
4.1.1. Questionnaire Reliability 46
4.1.2. Distribution and Collection of Questionnaires 46
4.1.3. Interview Reliability 47
4.2. Survey and Statistical Analysis of the Current Situation of Governance in Off-Campus Training 48
4.2.1. Low Awareness of Governance Policies for Off-Campus Training 49
4.2.2. Low Satisfaction with Off-Campus Training Governance 50
4.3. Interview Analysis of the Current Governance of Off-Campus Training 53
4.4. Analysis of the Causes of Governance in Off-Campus Training 59
4.4.1. The High Dependency Behavior of the Demand Side for Off-Campus Training Hinders the Implementation of Governance Measures 60
4.4.2. The Satisfaction of Off-Campus Training Governance is Influenced by Multiple Factors 65
4.5. Improvement Options:Collaborative Governance Helps Optimize the Governance Path of Off-Campus Training and Enhance Governance Effectiveness 72
4.5.1. The Support for the Collaborative Governance Path of Off-Campus Training is Relatively High 73
4.5.2. The Collaborative Governance Path for Off-Campus Training has Good Feasibility and Suitability 73
Ⅴ. Conclusions 82
5.1. Policy Recommendations 82
5.1.1. Optimize the Policy Environment and Formulate Detailed Regulations for the Implementation of the Collaborative Governance Path for Off-Campus Training 82
5.1.2. Accelerate the Modernization of Education Governance and Transform the Governance Philosophy of Off-Campus Training 83
5.1.3. Adhering to the Principle of Adapting Measures to Local Conditions, Implement the Collaborative Governance Path for Off-Campus Training 85
5.2. Research Summary 86
5.2.1. Research Summary on the Analysis of Off-Campus Training Current Situation 86
5.2.2. Research Summary on the Analysis of Governance Issues in Off-Campus Training 87
5.2.3. Research Summary on the Analysis of the Collaborative Governance Path of Off-Campus Training 87
5.3. Significance of the Research 88
5.3.1. Theoretical Innovation 88
5.3.2. Thinking Innovative 89
5.4. Shortcomings in the Study 89
5.5. Prospects for Future Research 91
〈Appendix 1〉 98
〈Appendix 2〉 101
〈Appendix 3〉 107
〈Appendix 4〉 108
국문 요약 110
〈Table Ⅱ-1〉 Statistics on governance policies of off-campus training in China, South Korea and Japan 32
〈Table Ⅲ-1〉 Questionnaire and Interview Release Form 37
〈Table Ⅲ-2〉 Questionnaire for the survey on the current status of off-campus training in China(for students) 38
〈Table Ⅲ-3〉 Questionnaire for the survey on the current situation of off-campus training in China(for parents) 39
〈Table Ⅲ-4〉 An outline of interview on the survey on the current status of the off-campus training in China(for students) 41
〈Table Ⅲ-5〉 An outline of interview on the survey on the current status of the off-campus training in China(for parents) 41
〈Table Ⅲ-6〉 Research Procedures 43
〈Table Ⅳ-1〉 Reliability of Research Tools 46
〈Table Ⅳ-2〉 Interviewee Student Information Form 47
〈Table Ⅳ-3〉 Interviewed Parent Information Form 48
〈Table Ⅳ-4〉 The awareness of off-campus training governance policies 50
〈Table Ⅳ-5〉 The satisfaction with the promotion of governance policies for off-campus training 51
〈Table Ⅳ-6〉 The implementation of policies and measures for governance of off-campus training 52
〈Table Ⅳ-7〉 The satisfaction with the results of government off-campus training governance 52
〈Table Ⅳ-8〉 Analysis Results of Chi Square Test on the Stage of Study and Participation in Off-campus Training 60
〈Table Ⅳ-9〉 Analysis Results of Chi Square Test on Grades and Participation in off-campus training 62
〈Table Ⅳ-10〉 Analysis Results of Chi Square Test on School Nature and Participation in Off-campus Training 63
〈Table Ⅳ-11〉 Analysis Results of Chi Square Test on Parental Education and Participation in Off-campus Training 64
〈Table Ⅳ-12〉 Analysis Results of Chi Square Test on Parental Occupation and Participation in Off-campus Training 65
〈Table Ⅳ-13〉 The linear regression analysis with region as the independent variable 66
〈Table Ⅳ-14〉 Linear regression analysis with the level of understanding of government policies as the independent variable 66
〈Table Ⅳ-15〉 Linear regression analysis with the mentality of off-campus training governance as the independent variable 67
〈Table Ⅳ-16〉 Linear regression analysis with the vision of off-campus training governance as the independent variable 68
〈Table Ⅳ-17〉 Linear regression analysis with the system of off-campus training governance as the independent variable 69
〈Table Ⅳ-18〉 Linear regression analysis with the responsibility of off-campus training governance as the independent variable 70
〈Table Ⅳ-19〉 Linear regression analysis with the ability of off-campus training governance as the independent variable 71
〈Table Ⅳ-20〉 The support for the collaborative governance path of off-campus training 73