1. 서론 14
2. 이론적 배경 17
2.1. 지하수 17
2.1.1. 지하수의 특성 17
2.1.2. 우리나라 지하수 현황 18
2.1.3. 지하수 오염 22
2.2. 비소 26
2.2.1. 비소의 특성 26
2.2.2. 비소의 독성 29
2.2.3. 지하수의 비소 오염 기원 30
2.2.4. 비소의 법적 규제 31
2.2.5. 비소 처리기술 35
2.3. 흡착 40
2.3.1. 흡착의 개념 40
2.3.2. 물리적 흡착과 화학적 흡착 41
2.4. 활성탄 44
2.4.1. 활성탄의 구조와 특성 44
2.4.2. 활성탄의 분류 46
2.4.3. 활성탄의 개질과 활용 48
3. 연구방법 50
3.1. 연구 재료 50
3.1.1. 활성탄 50
3.1.2. 비소 인공 시료 52
3.2. 연구방법 및 조건 53
3.2.1. 활성탄의 개질 53
3.2.2. 비소 흡착실험 55
3.2.3. 흡착영향인자에 따른 실험 56
3.3. 분석 방법 57
4. 연구결과 및 고찰 58
4.1. 염화철 개질 활성탄의 표면 58
4.2. 개질 활성탄 제조 시 염화철의 농도에 대한 영향 64
4.3. 개질 활성탄 제조 시 반응온도에 대한 영향 67
4.4. 개질 활성탄 주입량에의한 영향 69
4.5. 비소 용액의 초기 pH에 의한 영향 73
5. 결론 79
References 82
Table 2.1. Geological and groundwater output characteristics by region 19
Table 2.2. Nonconformity rate for underground water quality inspection by year 20
Table 2.3. Groundwater management organization and legislation status 21
Table 2.4. Inorganic Pollutants and Origin of Pollutants in Groundwater 23
Table 2.5. Physicochemical Properties of Arsenic 26
Table 2.6. Standards for Arsenic among drinking water quality standards. 31
Table 2.7. International Human Safety Standards for Arsenic 32
Table 2.8. Water Quality Standards for Groundwater in Korea 33
Table 2.9. Best available technologies and their arsenic removal efficiency 35
Table 2.10. Comparison of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption 43
Table 2.11. Classification of activated carbon 47
Table 3.1. General characteristics of F-400 activated carbon 50
Table 4.1. Result of EDS spectrums of activated carbon before modified with ferric chloride solution 62
Table 4.2. Result of EDS spectrums of activated carbon after modified with ferric chloride solution 63
Table 4.3. Result of As adsorption ratio according to FeCl₃ solution concentration. 65
Table 4.4. Result of experiment according to reaction temperature by 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 68
Table 4.5. Result of experiment according to amount of 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 71
Table 4.6. Result of experiment according to pH of initial As solution by 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 76
Figure 2.1. Korea's Groundwater Metering Network 22
Figure 2.2. pH-Eh diagram for As species in solution 28
Figure 2.3. Excess ratio by pollutants in 2017 Groundwater Water Quality Monitoring Network 34
Figure 2.4. Schematic diagram of adsorption mechanism 40
Figure 2.5. Plan structures of graphite (A) and activate carbon (B) 44
Figure 2.6. Categories of activated carbon modification techniques 48
Figure 3.1. Flow diagram of activated carbon preparation 51
Figure 3.2. Flow diagram of modified activated carbon production by concentration of FeCl₃ solution 54
Figure 3.3. Flow diagram of arsenic adsorption process 55
Figure 4.1. SEM photo of granular activated carbon before modified with ferric chloride solution. 59
Figure 4.2. SEM photo of granular activated carbon after modified with ferric chloride solution. 60
Figure 4.3. EDS spectrums of activated carbon before modified with ferric chloride solution 62
Figure 4.4. EDS spectrums of activated carbon after modified with ferric chloride solution 63
Figure 4.5. As adsorption ratio according to FeCl₃ solution concentration. 65
Figure 4.6. As adsorption ratio according to reaction temperature by 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 67
Figure 4.7. As adsorption ratio according to amount of 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 70
Figure 4.8. As adsorption ratio according to pH of initial As solution by 0.1 M, 0.3 M FeCl₃-modified activated carbon. 75
Figure 4.9. pH-Eh diagram for As species in solution 77