Title Page
Abstract 12
Chapter 1. Introduction 14
1.1. Wireless powered sensor networks (WPSNs) 14
1.2. Redesign of standard MAC protocols and parent selection schemes considering data and energy transmission 15
1.3. Research objectives and solutions 17
1.3.1. Residual energy estimation-based MAC protocol for fairness 17
1.3.2. Multiple concurrent slotframe scheduling for high throughput 18
1.3.3. Impact of the slotframe length on performance of TSCH-based WPSNs 18
1.3.4. Traffic-aware dual parent selection for high throughput and low end-to-end delay 19
1.4. Dissertation outline 20
Chapter 2. Residual energy estimation-based MAC 22
2.1. Introduction 22
2.2. System model 24
2.3. Design of REE-MAC 26
2.4. Performance evaluation 38
2.4.1. Simulation configuration 38
2.4.2. Simulation results 39
2.5. Summary 56
Chapter 3. Multiple concurrent slotframe scheduling 58
3.1. Introduction 58
3.2. System model 61
3.2.1. System architecture 61
3.2.2. Time-slotted channel hopping 63
3.3. Design of MCSS 65
3.3.1. Multiple concurrent slotframes 66
3.3.2. Length determination and cell allocation for WPT slotframe 69
3.4. Performance evaluation 76
3.4.1. Simulation configuration 77
3.4.2. Simulation results 78
3.5. Summary 90
Chapter 4. Impact of slotframe length on TSCH-based WPSNs 91
4.1. Introduction 91
4.2. Background 92
4.3. System model 94
4.4. Simulation 97
4.4.1. Simulation configuration 97
4.4.2. Simulation results 97
4.5. Summary 102
Chapter 5. Traffic-aware dual parent selection 103
5.1. Introduction 103
5.2. System model 106
5.2.1. System architecture 106
5.2.2. Energy model 108
5.3. Design of TaDPS 109
5.4. Performance evaluation 115
5.4.1. Simulation configuration 116
5.4.2. Simulation results 119
5.5. Summary 124
Chapter 6. Conclusion 126
6.1. Research contributions 126
6.1.1. Residual energy estimation-based MAC 126
6.1.2. Multiple concurrent slotframe scheduling 127
6.1.3. Impact of slotframe length on the performance of TSCH-based WPSN 127
6.1.4. Traffic-aware dual parent selection 128
6.2. Discussion 128
References 130
Abstract in Korean 139
Publications by the Author 141
Table 2.1. Simulation parameters 39
Table 2.2. Average harvested energy (mJ) 42
Table 3.1. Simulation parameters 78
Table 4.1. Simulation parameters 97
Table 5.1. Simulation parameters 118
Figure 2.1. System architecture of REE-MAC 25
Figure 2.2. WET and WIT superframe structure 27
Figure 2.3. Overall operation of REE-MAC 29
Figure 2.4. Timing diagram: (a) successful transmission and (b) collision 32
Figure 2.5. Average harvested energy: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 41
Figure 2.6. Average consumed energy: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 43
Figure 2.7. Average freezing time: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 45
Figure 2.8. Residual energy distribution of individual PRUs: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 48
Figure 2.9. Throughput distribution of individual PRUs: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 51
Figure 2.10. Fairness index for residual energy: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 53
Figure 2.11. Fairness index for throughput: (a) packet size of 100 bytes and (b) packet size of 200 bytes 56
Figure 3.1. System architecture of MCSS 62
Figure 3.2. Example of two-step and three-step 6P transactions 65
Figure 3.3. Example of multiple concurrent slotframes in MCSS 68
Figure 3.4. Example of an MCSS schedule 69
Figure 3.5. Example of the three-step 6P transaction 76
Figure 3.6. Aggregate throughput of MCSS: (a) one, (b) two, and (c) four packets/s 80
Figure 3.7. Average end-to-end delay 81
Figure 3.8. WPT slotframe lengths of HAPs: (a) one, (b) two, and (c) four packets/s 84
Figure 3.9. Aggregate throughput 85
Figure 3.10. Average harvested energy 86
Figure 3.11. Effect of WPT on aggregate throughput: (a) 12 and (b) 36 sensor nodes 89
Figure 4.1. TSCH slotframe structure and network topology 93
Figure 4.2. Example of two-step 6P transaction 94
Figure 4.3. System architecture of TSCH-based WPSN 95
Figure 4.4. Total amount of harvested energy: (a) traffic load of 1 and (b) traffic load of 4 99
Figure 4.5. Aggregate throughput: (a) traffic load of 1 and (b) traffic load of 4 100
Figure 4.6. Average end-to-end delay: (a) traffic load of 1 and (b) traffic load of 4 101
Figure 5.1. System architecture 107
Figure 5.2. Network topology and deployment of devices: (a) 5-tier cluster-tree topology and (b) sample deployment of HAPs and sensor nodes 117
Figure 5.3. Aggregate throughput 120
Figure 5.4. Average end-to-end delay 121
Figure 5.5. Average amount of harvested energy 123
Figure 5.6. Average charging time 124