Title Page
Abstract English 10
Ⅰ. Introduction 12
Ⅱ. Materials and Method 14
1. Subjects 14
2. Stool sample metagenomics 14
3. In vivo mice studies 15
4. Strain preparation 16
5. Histopathology 16
6. Blood chemistry test 16
7. Quantification RT-PCR 17
8. RNA-seq microarray analysis 17
9. Statistical Analysis 18
Ⅲ. Results 19
1. Patient characteristics for cirrhotic diabetes progression 19
2. Alterations of the human gut microbiome composition in cirrhotic diabetes 21
3. Bacteroidetes dorei prevents liver fibrosis caused by 3,5- diethoxycarbonyl-1.4-dihydrocollidine diet 23
4. RNA microarray analysis in hepatic stellate cells identifies new genes involved in liver fibrosis 26
Ⅳ. Discussion 28
References 33
Abstract Korean 38
Table 1. Flowchart of patient enrollment 19
Table 2. The baseline characteristics of the participants, including Patient ages, BMI and liver function test results, are presented as mean values followed by a range in parentheses. 20
Figure 1. Human gut microbiota was analyzed by 16s rRNA Sequencing. 22
Figure 2. Effect of strains on cirrhosis and liver function in the DDC diet model. 23
Figure 3. Effects of strains on gene expression of inflammation and fibrosis in the liver. 25
Figure 4. RNA microarray analysis isolated from mice liver tissue. 27