국문요약 8
제1장 서론 10
제2장 연구내용 및 방법 12
2.1. 연구대상자 및 연구지역 12
2.2. 연구대상자 선정 14
2.3. PM₂.₅ 측정 방법 15
2.4. PM₂.₅ 데이터 가공 16
2.5. 통계 분석 17
제3장 연구 결과 18
3.1. 지역별 실외 PM₂.₅ 농도 및 기상 수준 18
3.2. 계절별 지역별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 농도비 28
3.3. 계절별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 오차 분포 31
3.4. 지역별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 오차 분포 33
3.5. 계절별 지역별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 오차 분포 35
3.6. 계절별 거리별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 오차 분포 38
3.7. 계절별 상대 습도 수준별 실외 국가측정망과 간이측정기의 오차 분포 41
3.8. 계절별 지역별 측정오차, PM₂.₅, 거리, 및 기상수준의 스피어만 상관분석 44
3.9. 오차 발생의 결정인자 도출 : 다중 회귀분석 결과 47
제4장 고찰 49
제5장 결론 51
참고문헌 52
부록 56
Table 1. Median(interquartile range) levels of PM₂.₅ temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and wind speed : Fall 19
Table 2. Median(interquartile range) levels of PM₂.₅ temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and wind speed : Winter 21
Table 3. Median(interquartile range) levels of PM₂.₅ temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and wind speed : Spring 23
Table 4. Median(interquartile range) levels of PM₂.₅ temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and wind speed : Summer 25
Table 5. Ratio distribution (median(interquartile range)) of PM₂.₅ concentrations : by season and region from national monitoring site and outdoor sensors 30
Table 6. Distribution of Bias between PM₂.₅ from national monitoring site and the ones from outdoor sensors by season 32
Table 7. Distribution of Bias between PM₂.₅ from national monitoring site and the ones from outdoor sensors by region 34
Table 8. Distribution of Bias between PM₂.₅ from national monitoring site and the ones from outdoor sensors by season and region 37
Table 9. Distribution of Bias between PM₂.₅ from national monitoring site and the ones from outdoor sensors by distance between them 40
Table 10. Distribution of Bias between PM₂.₅ from national monitoring site and the ones from outdoor sensors by level of relative humidity 43
Table 11. Correlation coefficients among Bias and other variables 46
Table 12. Determiant factors for variation of Bias obtained from multivariation regression analyses 48
Figure 1. Location of hospitals and institutions sharing research participants' information 13
Figure 2. Location of Research Subjects in Urban, Industrial and Rural Areas 14
Figure 3. Comparison of median (interquartile range) levels of PM₂.₅, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, and wind... 27