Ⅰ. 서론 11
1.1. 연구 배경 및 목적 11
1.2. 연구동향 15
1.2.1. 엔진 성능 개선 연구 16
1.2.2. 엔진 주변장치 개선 연구 17
1.2.3. 변속기 개선 연구 18
1.3. 주요 연구대상 19
1) 변속기 어셈블리 (transmission assembly) 19
2) 기어트레인 시스템 (gear/shaft) 19
3) 케이스류 (clutch housing/TM case/rear case) 19
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 20
2.1. 기어트레인 시스템 평가 방법 20
2.1.1. 기어 강도 평가 20
2.1.2. 기어 손상률 평가 30
2.2. 케이스 형상 최적화 방법 32
Ⅲ. 본론 34
3.1. 시스템 개념설계 34
3.1.1. 성능 요구 조건 분석 34
3.2. 기본설계 36
3.2.1. 파워트레인 운동 성능인자 분석 37
3.2.2. 변속기 내부 기어 경량화에 따른 연비 변화 45
3.3. 설계검증 49
3.3.1. 기어류 구조해석 49
3.3.2. 기어 시스템 구조해석 58
3.3.3. 기어 경량화 및 개선 설계 65
3.3.4. 케이스 구조해석 및 개선 설계안 도출 71
3.3.5. 개선 설계안 연비 상승효과 비교 86
3.4. 상세설계 88
3.5. 시제품 제작 89
3.6. 성능시험 90
3.6.1. 구동 토크 시험 90
3.6.2. 동력전달효율 시험 94
3.6.3. Dynamometer 내구 시험 100
3.6.4. 연비 측정 시험 102
3.7. 실차시험 104
1) 실차시험 방법 104
2) 실차시험 결과 108
3.8. 변속기 장착 전기구동(TMED) 상용차 적용 비교 109
3.8.1. 전기구동 상용차 개요 109
3.8.2. 동력원 선정 및 비교 111
Ⅳ. 결론 115
1) 파워트레인 운동 성능인자 분석 115
2) 다단 자동화 수동변속기 설계 검증 115
3) 다단 자동화 수동변속기 시제품 성능 시험 116
4) 변속기 장착 전기구동 상용차 적용 비교 116
참고문헌 117
Table 1.1. Comparison of performance and feature by transmission type 13
Table 1.2. Improvement of the fuel economy by engine items 16
Table 1.3. Improvement contribution of fuel economy by element in the coolant system 17
Table 3.1. Required specifications of the 12-speed AMT 35
Table 3.2. Calculation of fuel consumption 46
Table 3.3. Comparison of fuel efficiency 48
Table 3.4. Material properties of SCM822H 52
Table 3.5. The results of structural analysis of the gears 57
Table 3.6. Load conditions of analysis in Rornax DESIGNER 61
Table 3.7. Input conditions of speed 61
Table 3.8. Contact and bending stress at the 1st speed main gear and counter gear 63
Table 3.9. Compare with AGMA 2001 and the result of Romax DESIGNER 64
Table 3.10. Structural analysis of the initial model and modified model 69
Table 3.11. Compare with the initial model and the modified model of gears 70
Table 3.12. Material properties of AC4B-T6 76
Table 3.13. The results of the structural analysis of cases 77
Table 3.14. Effect for lightweight of the transmission mass 86
Table 3.15. Comparison of fuel consumption by each speed 87
Table 3.16. Test conditions of driving torque test 91
Table 3.17. Test conditions of power transfer efficiency test 95
Table 3.18. Test conditions of durability test 100
Table 3.19. Specifications of test vehicle for fuel consumption 102
Table 3.20. The test results of fuel consumption 103
Table 3.21. Specifications of test vehicle for load test 105
Table 3.22. Average speed for each speed of 12-speed AMT 111
Table 3.23. Effect for lightweight of the transmission mass in TMED 114
Fig. 1.1. Overview of automotive powertrain 11
Fig. 1.2. System sensitivity of powertrain 15
Fig. 2.1. Load of gear tooth 22
Fig. 2.2. Allowable bending stress, sₐₜ 23
Fig. 2.3. Bending strength stress cycle factor, YN[이미지참조] 25
Fig. 2.4. Pitting resistance stress cycle factor, ZN[이미지참조] 25
Fig. 2.5. Allowable contact stress, sac[이미지참조] 27
Fig. 2.6. Hardness ratio factor, CH[이미지참조] 29
Fig. 2.7. Cumulative damage graph in the transmission 31
Fig. 2.8. Design variables a, b, and c for a solid design element 33
Fig. 3.1. Simplified diagram of the planetary gear system(1~6 speed, reverse speed) 39
Fig. 3.2. Simplified diagram of the planetary gear system(7~12 speed) 39
Fig. 3.3. Diagram of the multi-range transmission 40
Fig. 3.4. BSFC of the diesel engine (11,000 cc) 46
Fig. 3.5. Power delivery of 12-speed AMT 50
Fig. 3.6. FEM for gears 51
Fig. 3.7. Boundary conditions for structure analysis 53
Fig. 3.8. Structural analysis of the initial design 56
Fig. 3.9. Modeling of the gear assembly using Romax DESIGNER 60
Fig. 3.10. Result graphs of the 1st main gear 63
Fig. 3.11. Modified modeling for the low gear of the main shaft 66
Fig. 3.12. Modified modeling for the low gear of the counter shaft 66
Fig. 3.13. Structural analysis of the modified design 68
Fig. 3.14. FEA process of transmission cases 72
Fig. 3.15. Specification of size of the 12-speed AMT 72
Fig. 3.16. Load positions of bearing 73
Fig. 3.17. Boundary conditions of the 12-speed AMT case 74
Fig. 3.18. Load conditions of the clutch housing 75
Fig. 3.19. Load conditions of the TM case 75
Fig. 3.20. Load conditions of the rear case 76
Fig. 3.21. The FEA results of the AMT case 79
Fig. 3.22. Shape optimization of the 12-speed AMT 82
Fig. 3.23. The result of shape optimizations 83
Fig. 3.24. The modified cases 83
Fig. 3.25. Structural analysis of the modified model 85
Fig. 3.26. Detail design of the 12-speed AMT 88
Fig. 3.27. Experimental products 89
Fig. 3.28. Test devices for driving torque test 91
Fig. 3.29. The results of the driving torque test for the 12-speed AMT 93
Fig. 3.30. The results of the power transfer efficiency test for the 12-speed AMT 99
Fig. 3.31. Durability test for the 12-speed AMT 101
Fig. 3.32. Test devices for fuel consumption 103
Fig. 3.33. PG(Proving Ground) test 106
Fig. 3.34. Road test 107
Fig. 3.35. The results of PG test and road test 108
Fig. 3.36. Motor efficiency map of the 340 kW motor 112
Fig. 3.37. T-N curve of the 340 kW motor 112
Fig. 3.38. Performance curve of diesel engine in commercial vehicle 113