Ⅰ. 서론 16
1.1. 연구 배경 16
1.2. 연구 동향 21
1.2.1. 구름 베어링의 마찰 토크에 관한 연구 21
1.2.2. 구름 베어링의 내구 수명에 관한 연구 22
1.2.3. 변속기의 효율 개선에 관한 연구 22
1.3. 연구 목적 및 연구 내용 24
1.3.1. 연구 목적 24
1.3.2. 연구 내용 24
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 27
2.1. 자동변속기의 구조 및 베어링 종류 27
2.1.1. 자동변속기의 구성요소 27
2.1.2. 자동변속기의 변속원리 29
2.1.3. 자동변속기용 베어링의 종류 32
2.2. 자동변속기용 베어링의 작용 하중 36
2.2.1. 헬리컬 기어 발생 하중 36
2.2.2. 유성기어용 베어링(planetary gear bearing, K1~K4) 38
2.2.3. 스러스트 니들 롤러 베어링(T1~T7) 41
2.2.4. 트랜스퍼 드라이브 기어 베어링(B1) 42
2.2.5. 아웃풋 샤프트용 베어링(R1, R2) 43
2.2.6. 디퍼렌셜 샤프트용 베어링(R3, R4) 45
2.3. 구름 베어링의 정격 수명 47
2.3.1. 볼 베어링(B1) 47
2.3.2. 롤러 베어링(K1~K4, T1~T7, R1~R4) 51
2.4. 구름 베어링의 정적 강도 54
2.5. 구름 베어링의 마찰 토크 56
2.5.1. 구름 저항 56
2.5.2. 미끄럼 마찰 59
Ⅲ. 본론 62
3.1. 수치 해석 조건 설정 62
3.1.1. 작동 온도 및 윤활 조건 62
3.1.2. 베어링 장착 예압 및 틈새 조건 65
3.1.3. 차량 주행 조건과 부하 조건 69
3.2. 기존 설계에 대한 수치 해석 결과 74
3.2.1. 유성기어 지지용 베어링(K1~K4) 74
3.2.2. 스러스트 니들 롤러 베어링(T1~T7) 79
3.2.3. 트랜스퍼 드라이브 기어 베어링(B1) 83
3.2.4. 테이퍼 롤러 베어링(R1~R4) 86
3.2.5. 베어링 수치 해석 결과 90
3.3. 효율 개선 설계 95
3.3.1. 효율 개선 설계 인자 선정 95
3.3.2. 복열 앵귤러 컨택트 볼 베어링(B1) 101
3.3.3. 테이퍼 롤러 베어링(R1~R4) 103
3.3.4. 스러스트 니들 롤러 베어링(T1~T7) 109
3.3.5. 효율 개선 설계 해석 결과 113
3.4. 개선 설계에 대한 시험 평가 115
3.4.1. 베어링 마찰 토크 시험 검증 115
3.4.2. 베어링 피로 수명 시험 평가 127
3.4.3. 베어링 정적 강도 시험 평가 142
Ⅳ. 결론 149
1) 자동변속기용 베어링의 하중 조건 설정 방법 제시 149
2) 자동변속기용 베어링의 정격 수명 및 동력 손실 수치 해석 149
3) 자동변속기용 베어링의 동력 손실 저감 설계 방법 제시 150
4) 자동변속기용 베어링의 시험 평가 150
참고문헌 151
Table 2.1. Gear ratio calculation of a planetary gear set 30
Table 2.2. Bearing applications on the automatic transmission 33
Table 2.3. Life modification factor for reliability 50
Table 3.1. Test results of the bearing temperature 63
Table 3.2. Operating condition of the lubricant 64
Table 3.3. Boundaiy condition of the operating clearance calculation 67
Table 3.4. Operating condition of the clearance 68
Table 3.5. Parameters of the driving resistance torque calculation 72
Table 3.6. Gear ratio and speed range of the transmission 72
Table 3.7. Classification of load data 73
Table 3.8. Specification of the radial needle roller bearings for planetaiy gear sets 75
Table 3.9. Calculation results of the radial needle roller bearings for planetary gear sets 78
Table 3.10. Specification of the thrust needle roller bearing 81
Table 3.11. Calculation results of the thrust needle roller bearing 82
Table 3.12. Specification of the transfer drive gear bearing 83
Table 3.13. Calculation results of the transfer drive gear bearing 85
Table 3.14. Specification of the tapered roller bearing 86
Table 3.15. Calculation results of the tapered roller bearing 89
Table 3.16. Design variants of the transfer drive gear bearing 101
Table 3.17. Design variants of the output shaft front bearing 105
Table 3.18. Design variants of the output shaft rear bearing 106
Table 3.19. Design variants of the differential shaft front bearing 107
Table 3.20. Design variants of the differential shaft rear bearing 108
Table 3.21. Design variants of the thrust needle roller bearing 111
Table 3.22. The power loss calculation results of the thrust needle roller bearing 112
Table 3.23. Friction torque test conditions for the angular contact ball bearing 116
Table 3.24. Friction torque test conditions for the taper roller bearing 119
Table 3.25. Friction torque test conditions for the thrust needle roller bearing 124
Table 3.26. Rating life test conditions for the angular contact ball bearing 128
Table 3.27. Rating life test conditions for the tapered roller bearing 132
Table 3.28. Rating life test results for the tapered roller bearing, R1 134
Table 3.29. Rating life test results for the tapered roller bearing, R2 135
Table 3.30. Rating life test results for the tapered roller bearing, R3 137
Table 3.31. Rating life test conditions for thrust needle roller bearings 140
Table 3.32. Static strength test conditions for the angular contact ball bearing 143
Table 3.33. Static strength test conditions for tapered roller bearings 145
Table 3.34. Static strength test conditions for thrust needle roller bearings 146
Fig. 1.1. Historical fleet CO2 emissions performance and cuirent standards for passenger cars 16
Fig. 1.2. Fleet Specification of passenger car fleet 20
Fig. 1.3. Loss percentage of automatic transmission components 20
Fig. 1.4. Study procedure for the durability evaluation and the efficiency improvement technique of bearings in an automatic transmission 26
Fig. 2.1. Components of an automatic transmission 28
Fig. 2.2. Assembly of a planetary gear set 31
Fig. 2.3. Schematic diagram of planetary gear sets for the automatic transmission 31
Fig. 2.4. Application of bearings in the automatic transmission 32
Fig. 2.5. Assembly of the transfer drive gear bearing 34
Fig. 2.6. Assembly of the tapered roller bearing 34
Fig. 2.7. Assembly of the thrust needle roller bearing 35
Fig. 2.8. A helical gear set 37
Fig. 2.9. Loads transmitted by a helical gear 37
Fig. 2.10. Application of planetary gear bearings 38
Fig. 2.11. Loads transmitted by a planetaiy gear 40
Fig. 2.12. Static equilibrium of pinion gear loads 40
Fig. 2.13. Schematic diagram of a planetary gear operation 40
Fig. 2.14. Application of thrust needle roller bearings in the automatic transmission 41
Fig. 2.15. Static equilibrium of the transfer gear shaft system 42
Fig. 2.16. Output shaft of the automatic transmission 44
Fig. 2.17. Static equilibrium of the output shaft system 44
Fig. 2.18. Differential shaft of the automatic transmission 46
Fig. 2.19. Static equilibrium of the differential shaft system 46
Fig. 2.20. Bearing internal load distribution 49
Fig. 2.21. Auxiliaiy geometiy parameters 50
Fig. 2.22. Load distribution on laminas 53
Fig. 2.23. The dynamic equivalent load on a lamina 53
Fig. 2.24. Load distribution of rolling elements 55
Fig. 2.25. The maximum contact pressure of static condition 55
Fig. 2.26. Rolling deformation in roller-raceway contact 56
Fig. 2.27. Hysteresis loop for elastic material 57
Fig. 2.28. Compression of lubricant 58
Fig. 2.29. Sliding Speed in the contact area 59
Fig. 2.30. Spin on ball bearings 60
Fig. 2.31. Sliding friction on tapered roller bearings 61
Fig. 3.1. The Stribeck curve 63
Fig. 3.2. Measuring of the operating temperature in automatic transmission 63
Fig. 3.3. Churning losses of the lubricant 64
Fig. 3.4. Intemal clearance of the bearing 65
Fig. 3.5. Fitting condition of the bearing 66
Fig. 3.6. Preload changes of the tapered roller bearing 66
Fig. 3.7. Preload calculation results of the tapered roller bearing 68
Fig. 3.8. Contributing factors of total driving resistance torque 71
Fig. 3.9. New european driving cycle 71
Fig. 3.10. BEARINX modeling of the automatic transmission system 74
Fig. 3.11. Results of contact pressure calculation on pinion bearings 76
Fig. 3.12. Results of contact pressure calculation on thrust needle roller bearings 81
Fig. 3.13. Modeling of the main shaft system 84
Fig. 3.14. Results of contact pressure calculation on the transfer drive bearing 84
Fig. 3.15. Modeling of the output shaft 88
Fig. 3.16. Modeling of the differential shaft 88
Fig. 3.17. Calculation results of the equivalent load 90
Fig. 3.18. Calculation results of the equivalent speed 91
Fig. 3.19. Calculation results of the contact pressure 92
Fig. 3.20. Calculation results of the rating life 93
Fig. 3.21. Calculation results of the power loss 94
Fig. 3.22. Design parameters for friction torque 97
Fig. 3.23. Down sizing of the tapered roller bearing 98
Fig. 3.24. The reference diameter of the ball bearing 98
Fig. 3.25. The friction torque by the roughness 100
Fig. 3.26. The profile of the tapered roller bearing 100
Fig. 3.27. The contact angle of the angular contact ball bearing 101
Fig. 3.28. The rating life and the power loss of the transfer drive gear bearing 102
Fig. 3.29. Design parameters of the tapered roller bearing 104
Fig. 3.30. The rating life and the power loss of the output shaft front bearing 105
Fig. 3.31. The rating life and the power loss of the output shaft rear bearing 106
Fig. 3.32. The rating life and the power loss of the differential shaft front bearing 107
Fig. 3.33. The rating life and the power loss of the differential shaft rear bearing 108
Fig. 3.34. Design parameters of the thrust needle roller bearing 110
Fig. 3.35. The contact pressure and the power loss of the main bearings 113
Fig. 3.36. The contact pressure and the power loss of the thrust needle roller bearings 114
Fig. 3.37. Power loss of bearings in an automatic transmission 114
Fig. 3.38. The test rig of friction torque on the angular contac ball bearing 116
Fig. 3.39. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the angular contact ball bearing 117
Fig. 3.40. The test rig of friction torque on the tapered roller bearing 119
Fig. 3.41. Friction test torque results of the current bearings and new bearing on the output shaft front bearing 120
Fig. 3.42. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the output shaft rear bearing 120
Fig. 3.43. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the differential shaft bearing 121
Fig. 3.44. The test rig picture of friction torque on the thrust needle roller bearing 123
Fig. 3.45. The test rig drawing of friction torque on the thrust needle roller bearing 123
Fig. 3.46. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the T1 trust needle roller bearing 125
Fig. 3.47. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the T5 trust needle roller bearing 125
Fig. 3.48. Friction torque test results of the current bearings and new bearing on the T7 trust needle roller bearing 126
Fig. 3.49. The test rig of the rating life on the angular contact ball bearing 129
Fig. 3.50. The test rig picture of the rating life on the angular contact ball bearing 129
Fig. 3.51. Disassembly analysis of tested bearing B1 130
Fig. 3.52. The test rig of the rating life on the tapered roller bearing 133
Fig. 3.53. Disassembly analysis of tested bearing R1 134
Fig. 3.54. Disassembly analysis of tested bearing R2 136
Fig. 3.55. Disassembly analysis of test bearing R3 137
Fig. 3.56. The test rig of the rating life on thrust needle roller bearings 139
Fig. 3.57. The test rig picture of the rating life on thrust needle roller bearings 139
Fig. 3.58. Disassembly analysis of tested bearing T1 141
Fig. 3.59. The test rig of the rating life on the angular contact ball bearing 143
Fig. 3.60. Measuring results of the rolling elements defbnnation on angular contact ball bearings 144
Fig. 3.61. The test rig of the static strength on thrust needle roller bearings 147