
자료 카테고리

전체 1
도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
특화자료 0

도서 앰블럼

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일반도서 (1)
E-BOOK (0)
고서 (0)
세미나자료 (0)
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도서 앰블럼

전체 1
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
지방자치단체 ()
공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
의회기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


지적통계연보. 2009 / 국토해양부 지적기획과 [편] 인기도
과천 : 국토해양부 지적기획과, 2009
R 333.380951 ㄴ244ㅈ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
698 p. : 도표 ; 27 cm + CD 1매
이전저자 : 내무부, 행정자치부
부록/보유자료:지적통계연보,2009  바로보기




이용자를 위하여 8

통계도표 10

1. 지적통계체계표 11

2. 시·도별 면적 및 지번수 현황 12

3. 지목별 현황 13

4. 시·도별 지적공부등록지 현황 14

5. 시·도별 지목별 면적 현황 15

총괄편 16

1. 지적공부등록지 총괄 19

2. 시·도별 지적공부등록지 현황 29

2-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 37

2-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 45

3. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 53

3-1. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(민유지) 55

3-2. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(국유지) 63

3-3. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(도유지) 71

3-4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(군유지) 79

3-5. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(법인) 87

3-6. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(비법인) 95

3-7. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황(기타) 103

시도편 112

서울특별시 114

1. 구별 면적 및 지번수 116

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 117

3. 구별 지적공부등록지 현황 127

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 135

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 143

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 151

부산광역시 154

1. 구·군별 면적 및 지번수 156

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 157

3. 구·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 167

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 175

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 183

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 191

대구광역시 194

1. 구·군별 면적 및 지번수 196

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 197

3. 구·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 207

3-1. 토지대장공부등록지 현황 211

3-2. 임야대장공부등록지 현황 215

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 219

인천광역시 222

1. 구·군별 면적 및 지번수 224

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 225

3. 구·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 235

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 239

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 243

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 247

광주광역시 250

1. 구별 면적 및 지번수 252

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 253

3. 구별 지적공부등록지 현황 263

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 267

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 271

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 275

대전광역시 278

1. 구별 면적 및 지번수 280

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 281

3. 구·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 291

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 295

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 299

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 303

울산광역시 306

1. 구·군별 면적 및 지번수 308

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 309

3. 구·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 319

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 323

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 327

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 331

경기도 334

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 336

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 337

3. 시·군·구별 지적공부등록지 현황 347

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 355

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 363

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 371

강원도 374

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 376

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 377

3. 시·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 387

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 395

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 403

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 411

충청북도 414

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 416

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 417

3. 시·군·구별 지적공부등록지 현황 427

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 431

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 435

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 439

충청남도 442

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 444

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 445

3. 시·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 455

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 463

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 471

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 479

전라북도 482

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 484

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 485

3. 시·군·구별 지적공부등록지 현황 495

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 503

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 511

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 519

전라남도 522

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 524

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 525

3. 시·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 535

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 543

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 551

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 559

경상북도 562

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 564

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 565

3. 시·군·구별 지적공부등록지 현황 575

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 583

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 591

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 599

경상남도 602

1. 시·군별 면적 및 지번수 604

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 605

3. 시·군·구별 지적공부등록지 현황 615

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 623

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 631

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 639

제주특별자치도 642

1. 시별 면적 및 지번수 644

2. 지적공부등록지 총괄 645

3. 시·군별 지적공부등록지 현황 655

3-1. 토지대장등록지 현황 659

3-2. 임야대장등록지 현황 663

4. 소유구분별 지적공부등록지 현황 667

부록 670

1. 전국행정구역현황 671

2. 지적직공무원현황 673

3. 지적공사 직원현황 675

4. 지적기술자격별현황 677

5. 지적공부목록현황 679

6. 지적삼각점 및 지적삼각보조점 관리현황 683

7. 도근점관리현황 684

8. 토지이동정리현황 685

9. 지적공부등본열람 및 소유권정리현황 687

10. 지적전산자료 제공실적 689

11. 지적관련학과졸업생현황 693

12. 지적통계용어해설 694

[판권기 등] 700

Title Page


User's Guide 8

Statistical Chart 10

1. Diagram for Cadastral Statistics 11

2. The Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Provinces 12

3. The Current Status by Land Categories 13

4. The Registered Lands in Cadastral Record by Cities/Provinces 14

5. The Current Status of the Areas of Land Categorise by Cities/Provinces 15

Part of Summary 16

1. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 19

2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Metropolitan Cities and Provinces 29

2-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 37

2-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 45

3. The Current status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 53

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(Private Land) 55

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(State Land) 63

3-3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(Province Land) 71

3-4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(County Land) 79

3-5. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(Juridical Person) 87

3-6. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(Non-Juridical Person) 95

3-7. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories(The Others) 103

Part of City·Province 112

Seoul 114

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts 116

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 117

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Districts 127

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 135

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 143

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 151

Busan 154

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts/Counties 156

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 157

3. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Records by Districts/Counties 167

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 175

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 183

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 191

Daegu 194

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts/Counties 196

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 197

3. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Records by Districts/Counties 207

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 211

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 215

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 219

Incheon 222

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts/Counties 224

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 225

3. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Records by Districts/Counties 235

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 239

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 243

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 247

Gwangju 250

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts 252

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 253

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Districts 263

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 267

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 271

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 275

Daejeon 278

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts 280

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 281

3. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Records by Districts/Counties 291

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 295

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 299

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 303

Ulsan 306

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Districts/Counties 308

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 309

3. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Records by Districts/Counties 319

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 323

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 327

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 331

Gyeonggi-do 334

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 336

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 337

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties/Districts 347

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 355

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 363

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 371

Gangwon-do 374

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 376

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 377

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties 387

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 395

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 403

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 411

Chungcheongbuk-do 414

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 416

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 417

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties/Districts 427

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Book 431

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Forestry Book 435

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 439

Chungcheongnam-do 442

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 444

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 445

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties 455

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 463

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 471

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 479

Jeollabuk-do 482

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 484

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 485

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties/Districts 495

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 503

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 511

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 519

Jeollanam-do 522

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 524

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 525

3. The Current Status of the Registered in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties 535

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 543

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 551

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 559

Gyeongsangbuk-do 562

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 564

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 565

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties/Districts 575

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 583

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 591

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 599

Gyeongsangnam-do 602

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities/Counties 604

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 605

3. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties/Districts 615

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Book 623

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Forestry Book 631

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 639

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province 642

1. Area and Number of Parcels by Cities 644

2. Summary of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records 645

3. The Current Status of the Registered in Cadastral Records by Cities/Counties 655

3-1. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Book 659

3-2. The Current Status of the Registered Land in Cadastral Forestry Book 663

4. The Current Status of the Registered Lands in Cadastral Records by Ownership Categories 667

Appendix 670

1. A Summary for the Administrative Sections 671

2. The Current Status of Cadastral Officials 673

3. The Current Status of the Staffs of Korea Cadastral Survey Corporation 675

4. The Current Status Cadastral Technical Qualification 677

5. The Current Status of Indices of the Cadastral Records 679

6. The Current Status of management of the Cadastral Triagulation Stations 683

7. The Current Status of management of the Supplementary Control Points 684

8. The Current Status of Setting of Land Transfers 685

9. The Current Status of the Viewing / Copy of Cadastral Records and(abd) Setting of Ownership 687

10. The provided actual result of Cadastral Computational Data 689

11. The Current Status of Cadastral Related Department Graduates 693

12. Glossary for Cadastral statistical Terms 697

[copyright etc.] 700


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