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금동신발과 백제의 지방통치 / 진소영 1
I. 머리말 1
II. 백제 금동신발의 시기구분과 특징 4
1. 출토유물 분석 4
2. 문양의 변화와 시기 구분 10
3. 주변국 금동신발과 비교 12
III. 금동신발과 지방세력 통제 18
1. 금동신발과 의관제 18
2. 금동신발의 제작 주체 22
3. 금동신발의 사여와 지방세력 통제 27
IV. 지방통치의 강화와 금동신발의 소멸 40
V. 맺음말 44
Abstract 47
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Gilt-bronze shoes are the shoes made with gilt-bronze and decorated splendidly with various patterns. These days, they have discovered abundantly in the region of Baekje, and they have great significance because we can extend understanding of Baekje's history with them.
Baekje's gilt-bronze shoes, very various patterns were appeared in the Baekje's gilt-bronze shoes compared with neighboring, there was the change of the time in common between the time that they were made and main standard unit's pattern. Therefore, Baekje's gilt- bronze shoes can be divided in three periods focused on these things. The first period is Hansung period, and the main standard unit's pattern is the pattern of letter, '$$' on the side of gilt-bronze shoes. The second period is the end of 5th century, and the main standard unit's pattern is lozenge pattern. The third is from the end of 5th to the early and middle of 6th century, and a hexagon is the main standard unit's pattern.
These gilt-bronze shoes are clothes including shoes are the elements which show a person's social position or status in ancient times. So, with establishment of dress regulation, in the century of Baekje, they would clothes similar to formal dress, according to position rank. Gilt-bronze crown belongs to the system of being in full dress, gilt-bronze shoes founded together are unpractical things, but there is much possibility that those were given as ceremonial, one of the system of being in full dress when they were given clothes in those days.
Baekje's gilt-bronze shoes were made in royal workshop. The first time that it made would be in the reign of King Biryu that were thought gold and silver important, so gilt-bronze shoes must be made in this time. But as Baekje completed centralism from in the reign of King Geunchogo, they made local control organization like Dam-ro started to dispatch local officers to force control about convince. However, Baekje's control system were destroyed because of surrender of Hansung attacked by Goguryeo, unexpected transfer of the capital to Woongjin and so on. And this made control force about convince loosen. According to this, in Baekje's royal family, they gave appointment titles, Wang-hu to powerful nobility, and gave them prestige goods of the highest grade like gilt-bronze crown, sword with round pommel and gilt-bronze shoes to put settling force in the system of official rank. After then, because of promoting policy of King Muryeong, stability of royal authority and controlling force about convince got strengthened, and because of enforcing the system of Bang·Gun·Sung, direct controlling about convince had been in the reign of King Seong. And from the reign of King Muryeong, interchange with Liang Dynasty got frequent and traditional order changed. Therefore, based on political, social change of that time, gilt-bronze crown changed gold diadem ornaments or silver diadem ornaments and it was the last time, in the reign of King Muryeong that gilt-bronze shoes could been seen.
$$ : 원문참조
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