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검색결과 (전체 1건)


소년원 퇴원자의 사회복귀프로그램 효율성 제고 / 김지선 인기도
안산 : 한국소년정책학회, 2007.12.31
소년보호연구. 제10호 (2007), pp.117-168
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)



소년원 퇴원자의 사회복귀프로그램 효율성 제고 / 김지선 1

《목차》 1

I. 문제제기 2

II. 배경적 논의 5

1) 사회복귀 프로그램의 유형 5

2) 효과적인 사회복귀 프로그램의 실행을 위한 원칙과 요소들 7

III. 소년원생에 대한 사회복귀 프로그램의 현황과 문제점 15

1. 퇴원이전단계 15

2. 퇴원이후단계 20

IV. 소년원 퇴원자의 사회복귀 프로그램 효율성 제고를 위한 제언 31

1. 다기관협력체계(multi-agency cooperation)의 구축 31

2. 가퇴원 대상자 선정절차 및 위험평가도구의 개선 33

3. 시설에서 사회로의 전이단계(transition phase)에 대한 관심의 제고 36

4. 임의적 사후보호 서비스 질 개선 및 다양화 39

5. 가퇴원생에 대한 보호관찰의 개선 41

〈참고문헌〉 46

1. 국내문헌 46

2. 국외문헌 48

Abstract 51

초록보기 더보기

About 2,000 juvenile delinquent leave the training school and return home each year. They leave correctional facilities with little preparation or life on the outside, no assistance with reintegration, and a high likelihood of return to correction facilities for new crimes or parole violations. And little is known about the ingredients of successful transition to community life or juveniles. The aim of this study was to examine the challenges involved in reintegrating juvenile delinquent back into their families and communities, to examines aftercare services that provide youth upon their release from the juvenile justice system, and to offer policy-makers a critical opportunity to develop effective programs and policies for improving the impacts of the reentry process.

Despite the critical importance of effective strategies for improving youth reentry, in Korea relatively little systematic empirical attention has been given to this issue. Therefore, this study review one of the most promising aftercare initiatives in the U. S. A., the Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention's Intensive Aftercare Program(IAP). This aftercare model includes an emphasis on prelease planning and services; structured, short term transitional programming; and structured, longer term reintegrative activities that balanced supervision, treatment, and services. The IAP is premised on the notion of overarching case management that spans the entire justice system and includes five components; 1) assessment, classifications, and selection of high risk youth; 2) individual case planning incorporation a family and community perspective; 3) a mix of surveillance and services; 4) a balance of incentives and graduated sanctions coupled with the imposition of realistic, enforceable conditions; and 5) service brokerage with community resources and linkages with social networks. In LAP aftercare can be defined as reintegrative services that prepare out-of home placed juveniles for reentry into the community by establishing the necessary collaborative arrangements with the community. The process does not begin only after an offender is released. Instead, a comprehensive aftercare process typically begins after sentencing and continues through incarceration and an offender's release into the community.

Based on the definition and critical components in IAP, this study diagnosis present volunteer and compulsory aftercare services for juvenile delinquent and suggested the reform measure for comprehensive and systemic aftercare services.


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