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검색결과 (전체 1건)


English sentential negation, clausal structure, and VP ellipsis / Jeong-shik Lee 인기도
서울 : 한국생성문법학회, 2006.02.28
Studies in generative grammar. 제16권 제1호 (2006. Spring), pp.107-127
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



English sentential negation, clausal structure, and VP ellipsis / 이정식 1

[요약] 1

1. Introduction 1

2. The categorial status and the locus of the sentential not 2

3. The sentential not as an XP and VP Ellipsis 4

4. Asymmetry in verb raising and do-support 6

5. The sentential not in finite clauses as an enclitic 9

6. Excorporation 12

7. Consequence: VPE Licensing 15

8. Conclusion 18

References 19

참고문헌 (39건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
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4 (1999) Longman Grammar of spoken and written English, London: Longman 미소장
5 (1994) What does adjacency do? In The Morphology-Syntax Connection MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 22, 미소장
6 (2002) Clitics as nonbranching elements and the linear correspondence axiom, 미소장
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8 (1991) Some notes on economy of derivation and representation In Principles and parameters in comparative grammar, MIT Press 미소장
9 (19931995b) A minimalist program for linguistic theory, MIT Press 미소장
10 (1995a) Bare phrase structure, Blackwell 미소장
11 (1995b) The minimalist program, MIT Press 미소장
12 (1993chomsky1995b) The theory of principles and parameters, MIT Press 미소장
13 (2002) Word-A typological framework:In Word;A cross-linguistic typology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 미소장
14 (2001) Movement operations after syntax, 미소장
15 (1994) Two principles of economy In Paths toward universal grammar Studies in honor of Richard S, Georgetown University Press 미소장
16 (1992) The phrase structure of English negation, 미소장
17 (2004) Syntactic structures redux, 미소장
18 (1995) The syntax of negation, Cambridge University Press 미소장
19 (1999) English grammar: A generative perspective, Oxford: Blackwell 미소장
20 (2001) What VP Ellipsis can do and what it can't do but not why, Blackwel 미소장
21 (2002) Negation without head-movement, 미소장
22 (1995) Verbal morphology: Syntactic structures meets the Minimalist Program, Georgetown University Press 미소장
23 (2000) Syntactic structures revisited: Contemporary lectures on classic transformational theory, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 미소장
24 (2005) What do ellipsis phenomena talk about grammar? First Aux Licensing in English VP ellipsis, 미소장
25 (1995) Ellipsis: Functional heads, licensing and identification, Oxford University Press 미소장
26 (1996) A minimalist theory of PRO and control, 미소장
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31 (1997) Syntactic theory and the structure of English: A minimalist approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 미소장
32 (2004) Minimalist syntax: Explaining the structure of English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 미소장
33 (1985) Agreement parameters and the development of the English auxiliaries, 미소장
34 (2004) Synchronic and diachronic microvariation in English do, 미소장
35 (1984) Parameters and effects of word order variation, 미소장
36 (1993) Agr-based Case theory and its interaction with A-bar system, 미소장
37 (2004) Negation in English: Its structure and derivation, 미소장
38 (2001) Sentential negation, Blackwell 미소장
39 (1982) Stranded to and phonological phrasing in English, 미소장


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