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검색결과 (전체 1건)


What do ellipsis phenomena talk about grammar? : First Aux Licensing in English VP ellipsis / Jeong-shik Lee 인기도
서울 : 한국생성문법학회, 2005.09.30
생성문법연구. 제15권 제3호 (2005. Fall), pp.311-357
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)



What do ellipsis phenomena talk about grammar? first aux licensing in English VP ellipsis / 이정식 1

[요약] 1

1. Introduction 1

2. Is the contrast between control to and ECM/raising to real with respect to VPE licensing capability? 2

2.1. The contrast between control to and ECM/raising to in VPE licensing 2

2.2. ECM/raising infinitive to does license VPE 3

2.3. Questions, the First Aux Licensing Hypothesis, and implications 4

3. What is the nature of the infinitive to with respect to VPE licensing? 8

3.1. Control to is an enleaner 8

3.2. More on VPE with the control to 9

3.3. ECM/raising to is a proleaner 14

3.4. Distinguishing factor: null tense 15

4. Why doesn't the negator not license VPE in infinitival clauses? 15

4.1. The negator not, sentential or constituent, is a proleaner in infinitival clauses 15

4.2. Lobeck 1995 19

4.3. Why can't adverbs precede a VPE gap? 19

5. What is the nonlocal VPE licensing mechanism? 23

5.1. The necessity of nonlocal licensing of VPE 23

5.2. Case Minimality 23

5.3. Infl Licensing: Lobeck 1995 26

6. Does the sentential not really license VPE in finite clauses? 28

6.1. Paradoxical situation 28

6.2. Reanalysis 29

6.3. What is Reanalysis? 30

6.4. Laxity of Reanalysis: Excorporation 31

6.5. Distinguishing factor: finite tense 34

7. Apparent problems 34

7.1. Subjunctive clauses 35

7.2. Reduced auxiliary verb constructions 37

7.3. Spurious evidence 40

8. Conclusion 41

References 42

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