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검색결과 (전체 1건)


기독교 영성에 있어서의 자기포기에 대한 연구 : 십자가 영성을 중심으로 = (A)study on self-surrender in christian spirituality : focusing on the spirituality of the cross / 이금용 인기도
대전 : 목원대학교 대학원, 2015.2
TD 230 -15-228
iii, 246 p. ; 26 cm
[부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
학위논문(박사) -- 목원대학교 대학원, 신학과 실천신학전공, 2015.2. 지도교수: 박노권




I. 서론 8

1. 연구의 동기와 목적 8

2. 선행연구 12

3. 연구 방법과 범위 17

II. 기독교 영성에 대한 이해 19

1. 기독교 영성 추구의 필요성 19

2. 영성의 정의 22

3. 기독교 영성에 대한 고찰 27

1) 기독교에서의 인간관과 성경적 영성 개념 27

2) 기독교 영성에서의 자기포기 35

3) 자기포기의 효과 38

III. 자기포기에 대한 다양한 접근 45

1. 심리학적 접근 45

1) 칼 융의 개성화 과정 46

2) 월리엄 제임스의 회심과정 51

2. 신학적 접근 60

1) 십자가의 요한의 신비주의 : 영혼의 정화 61

2) 마틴 루터의 십자가 신학 68

3. 성경적 접근 86

1) 자기포기에 대한 성경적 이해 86

2) 자기포기 (self-surrender)와 자기부정(self-denial) 90

IV. 십자가 영성과 자기포기 94

1. 십자가 영성에 대한 이해 94

1) 십자가 영성에 대한 고찰 94

2) 형벌 대속과 자기포기 99

2. 그리스도의 십자가에 나타난 인간의 죄성 101

1) 십자가 사건의 등장인물들에 나타난 인간의 죄성 102

2) 그리스도의 십자가 고난에 나타난 인간의 죄성 112

3. 십자가가 요구하는 자기포기의 내용들 125

1) 그리스도의 죽으심과 연합한 신앙적 죽음 126

2) 종으로서의 자기 비움 144

3) 차별과 세상적 권세 개념에 대한 포기 156

4. 부활이 주는 십자가 자기포기에 대한 확신 162

5. 자기포기를 통해 주어지는 유익들 : 신앙적 차원에서 167

1) 신자의 거듭남 167

2) 그리스도와의 연합 169

3) 죽음의 공포에서의 자유 171

V. 자기포기의 목회적 함의(含意) 및 적용방안 175

1. 기독교 의식(儀式)과 자기포기 175

1) 세례식(洗禮式) 175

2) 세족식(洗足式) 181

3) 성찬식(聖餐式) 184

2. 자기포기의 적용방안 189

1) 큐티(Quiet Time) 190

2) 예수기도(Jesus Prayer) 206

3) 영성일기(Spiritual Journal) 210

VI. 결론 및 제언 219

참고문헌 228

부록 239

Abstract 251

초록보기 더보기

 It is a crisis that the Christian population of Korea is decreasing gradually today. As a solution to this problem, Christian Spirituality has been proposed since the early 1980s. I also have been interested in the study of Christian Spirituality. I think the concept of Spirituality proposed by David Banner as a response to a deep and mysterious human yearning for self-transcendence and surrender is appropriate for explaining Christian Spirituality. Because human beings were created in the image of God, but all human beings live in distorted images of God because of sin.

That is, all human beings have deep inner longings to give up their distorted images of God and restore the original image of God. These spiritual longings drive us to meet our unconsciousness or God as we see in Carl Jung's individuation process and William James's conversion process. We can widen the horizons of our understanding of the self through meeting our unconsciousness. But the ultimate restoration of the image of God is accomplished by meeting God, who created human beings in his own image. The old self which leads us to live in a self-centered way has to be given up. Because all human beings are totally corrupt, and cannot meet God with their own efforts. So the grace of God is absolutely necessary.

God sent his only Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for our sins on the Cross, and to revive from the dead. Through belief, We therefore died with him into his death and were born again with him into his resurrection. That is, our old self died on the Cross and a new man was created in Christ. Thus, the self-surrender of Christian Spirituality is associated with the Cross. Therefore, I researched self-surrender focusing on the Spirituality of the Cross. I studied Luther's theology of the Cross, and the meaning of the Cross in the Bible and evangelical scholars' works, and endeavored to extract the contents of self-surrender. And I researched the Christian ceremonies that reflect the contents. And I presented QT(Quiet Time), Jesus Prayer, and Spiritual Journal as the application methods in daily life to give up the self-centered mind set on the flesh and to surrender our will to God and the will of him.

As a result, I draw some conclusions through this study as follows.

First, Christian Spirituality conforms to the Spirituality of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, and we are only able to meet God through him. Thus, If Jesus Christ is excluded, we cannot call it Christian Spirituality.

Second, Christian Spirituality is focused on the Cross of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ came into the world for the purpose of dying on the Cross for human beings' sin. If we don't see the Cross of Christ, we cannot realize our sin and God's love truly.

Third, Self-surrender of Christian Spirituality is achieved through the Cross of Christ. Because we look to the Cross of Christ by the eye of faith, and come with Christ into death.

Fourth, self-surrender is the gateway to go to the self-transcendence. The belief of Christianity is to be buried with Christ into death, and is to be raised from death with him. That is, We have been buried with Christ, in which we were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. Thus, dying with Christ on the Cross is to serve as a gateway to meet God.

Fifth, self-surrender in Christ is not in vain. It brings the glory of the resurrection, the praise from God, and the joy of being a member of God's kingdom.

Sixth, The pastor must effectively teach the members of the church the pastoral implications of self-surrender contained in the Christian ceremonies. Because the self-surrender of Christian spirituality permeates the Christian ceremonies.

Seventh, The self-surrender of Christian spirituality should be practiced in everyday life performing effective application methods such as QT(Quiet Time), Jesus Prayer, and Spiritual Journal.

If many churches in Korea try to apply the results of this study, then I think that the Christianity in korea will revive again.


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