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검색결과 (전체 1건)


신영연의 시와 시론 : 정서의 결핍과 시적 치유 / 신영연 인기도
대전 : 한남대학교 사회문화대학원, 2014.2
TM 808 -14-16
83 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 한남대학교 사회문화대학원, 문예창작학과, 2014.2. 지도교수: 김창완




I. 시:60편 7

그린 마일 8

가시 개미 9

간이 맞니? 10

길치 11

깨, 튀어오르다 12

남새파도의 메시지 13

늙은 의자 14

다리 15

달팽이의 노래 16

돈, 꽃 17

돌 18

둥근 오락실 19

무감한 통증 20

목선의 각도 21

목숨 건 한 말씀 22

몸의 압류 23

무 장아찌 24

물 만난 남자 25

물의 얼룩 26

물결의 책장 27

바코드의 족보 28

바퀴의 궤적 29

별 30

부메랑 효과 31

섬1 32

섬2 33

소리꽃1 34

소리꽃2 35

소멸의 말 36

속도의 비대칭 37

4분의 3박자 38

스따 스타일 39

시인 여자 40

쓸개 41

야래향(夜來香) 42

어둠의 모자 43

어린 골목 44

얼음책 45

연리지 46

연애의 법칙 47

올챙이비 48

오토트로트 49

의자 50

이상기류 51

이력서 52

자유에는 날개가 없다 53

장 닭 54

저수지 55

정원에 피어난 그녀 56

조율의 필요학 57

종점 호텔 58

천당 가는 길 59

채석강 61

천도제 62

청문회를 패러디하다 63

텅, 비어 나는 소리 64

토끼 날다 65

포즈 66

향기의 유전자 67

현상 부재 68

II. 시론 : 정서의 결핍과 시적 치유 69

1. 서론 69

2. 근원적 결핍 양상 70

3. 성찰과 긍정적 사유 75

4. 결핍과 치유의 순환 81

5. 결론 85

참고문헌 87


초록보기 더보기

 The way they curve underfoot. Stone gaps between the middle of the bumpy dirt daegung to boost flower green trees, trampled before blossoming outrageously outrageously unbroken one pillar was placed beneath the stones around them. Buleotgo the wind is changing around the flower garden is colonized by wild flowers was. Do not succumb to the situation biruham, live well at the moment, it is an active life. Sun Life is also a tolerant because of their own.

Writing poetry in me another moment, 'self' may be immersed in the world, led by. Deep inner serenity and sublime poetry of the world is the rest of the task. Poetics of the 'self' and 'tajahwa' the 'objective' is one way of looking at the. The process, many qualified 'or' that 'self' in the social structure of oppression hurts trapped in another ego meet.

Everyone has to live in the absence of wound. When asked how it is to accept the responsibility of each. The reason is not lack is never negative but, due to lack of a desire to fill the parties occurs. If there are no dreams, no purpose, no destination, can not live like. Shall not have any desire to get just the mouse at the moment but it is the object of desire jeomankeum steps down. Therefore, the desire to meet the target, rather than the slightly elevated will settle.

Poetics of seconds for the lack of circulation and healing is discussed, the turning point of one another only at the end of the beginning and end of our lives are filled at the point of repeating slip yideutyi healing also feels lack maturity in the process of healing process by saying that this will be repeated constantly. Although parents may be healed from all around and eventually find a way to heal yourself, but it fits. While the location of the seat of the wound and the absence of his hitters, including the underserved and the myriad attempts to talk to one of the marginalized and lack the reality of what beyond the built-in drivers will be actively trying to grab. Lack of space, but do not just suppress the resistance of the space beyond it, writing the work is already poetic healing.


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