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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Lys-313 of T-bet is crucial for the control of protein stability and suppression of NFAT activity in T cell development / 장은정 인기도
서울 : 이화여자대학교 대학원, 2013.8
TD 615 -13-292
ix, 98 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 이화여자대학교 대학원, 약학과, 2013.8. 지도교수: 황은숙


Title Page


List of Abbreviations 9

Abstract 11

Introduction 13

1. Structure and functions of T-bet 13

2. Transcriptional control of Th cell development. 14

3. Characterized post-transcriptional modifications of T-bet 15

4. In vivo physiological roles of T-bet 16

5. Regulation of T-bet activity 17

6. Specific aims of this study 18

Materials and Methods 24

1. Materials 24

2. Animals 24

3. Cell Culture 24

3-1. Isolation and activation of CD4+ T cells(이미지참조) 25

3-2. In vitro differentiation and retroviral transduction 26

4. ELISA 26

5. Intracellular Cytokine Staining 27

6. Reverse transcription and quantitative real-time PCR analysis 27

7. Reporter gene assay 29

8. Immunoprecipitation and Immunoblotting 29

9. DNA pull-down assay 30

10. Nuclear and Cysolic Fractionations 30

11. Immunofluorescence analysis 31

12. Statistical analysis 31

Results 32

1. T-bet protein level is decreased during Th1 cell development. 32

2. T-bet protein undergoes ubiquitin-proteasomal degradation. 36

3. Lys-313 mutant of T-bet is protected from protein degradation. 38

4. Lys-313 of T-bet is a potential ubiquitination site. 44

5. Lys-313 of T-box domain is essential for DNA binding and transcriptional activity of T-bet. 47

6. Mutation of K313 abolishes T-bet functions in CD4+ T cell development.(이미지참조) 52

6-1. T-betK313R mutant fails to produce IFN-γ.(이미지참조) 54

6-2. T-betK313R mutant is unable to suppress IL-2 & Th2 cytokine production.(이미지참조) 56

7. Lys-313 is crucial for suppression of IL-2 and Th2 cytokines through interaction with NFAT1. 58

7-1. T-betK313R is not associated with NFAT1.(이미지참조) 59

7-2. T-betK313R mutant does not suppress NFAT-induced gene promoter suppress.(이미지참조) 63

8. Threonine phosphorylation of T-bet is crucial for regulation through interaction with NFAT1. 65

8-1. T-betK313R mutant abolishes Threonine phosphorylation of T-bet.(이미지참조) 65

8-2. T302 is a threonine phosphorylation site of T-bet. 67

9. Thr-302 phosphorylation is required for suppression of NFAT activity. 69

9-1. T-betT302A fails to interact with NFAT1 but interacts with NFκB p65.(이미지참조) 69

9-2. NFAT-mediated gene promoter activity is suppressed by WT but not by T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 72

9-3. Thr-phosphorylation of T-bet is critical for inhibition of NFAT1-mediated IL-2 and Th2 cytokine production. 75

10. Threonine phosphorylation has no significant effect on IFN-γ production by T-bet. 78

10-1. T-betT302A produces comparable level of IFN-γ in T cells.(이미지참조) 78

10-2. T-betT302A mutant sustains DNA-binding activity.(이미지참조) 80

11. Threonine phosphorylation is not required for T-bet protein degradation. 82

12. Lys-313 of T-bet is also essential for the inhibition of NFAT1-mediated IL-17 expression. 84

Discussion 88

1. Putative modification of Lysine. 88

2. T-bet controls activity of lineage-specific transcription factors through physical interaction. 89

3. T-bet modification may be required for the modulation of Th17 & Treg development. 90

4. Novel post-translational modification of T-bet. 91

Concluding remark 93

References 95

Appendix (Publication) 107

국문초록 109

Figure 1. Structure of T-bet 19

Figure 2. Differentiation into effector CD4+ T cell lineages.(이미지참조) 20

Figure 3. Suppression Mechanism of T helper cells by T-bet. 21

Figure 4. T-bet is important for controlling asthma development. 22

Figure 5. The protein level of T-bet during Th cell differentiation 23

Figure 6. Ub-mediated proteasomal degradation of T-bet 34

Figure 7. Specifically proteasomal ubiquitination in T-box domain of T-bet. 37

Figure 8. Highly conserved lysine residues in the helical DNA-binding motifs. 39

Figure 9. Stabilized expression of T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 41

Figure 10. Increased nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 43

Figure 11. Decreased ubiquitination of T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 45

Figure 12. No modification by either acetylation or sumoylation in T-bet. 46

Figure 13. Diminished IFN-γ activity by T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 48

Figure 14. Abolished the DNA binding of T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 50

Figure 15. Crystallography of T-bet bound to the T-box-binding element. 51

Figure 16. Retroviral transduction of T-bet into T-bet-deficient CD4+ T cells.(이미지참조) 53

Figure 17. Diminished T-bet functions by mutation of Lys-313. 55

Figure 18. Impaired IL-2 & Th2 suppression by T-betK313.(이미지참조) 57

Figure 19. Normal suppression of T-betK313R through physical interaction with GATA3 & RelA.(이미지참조) 60

Figure 20. Diminished physical association between T-betK313R and NFAT1.(이미지참조) 62

Figure 21. Abolished suppression of The T-betK313R in NFAT-induced IL-2 and Th2 promoter activities.(이미지참조) 64

Figure 22. Abolished threonine phosphorylation in T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 66

Figure 23. Identification of threonine phosphorylation site. 68

Figure 24. Abolished interaction with NFAT1 in T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 70

Figure 25. Normal interaction with NFκB in T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 71

Figure 26. The effect of T-betT302A on the ability of NFAT1-induced IL-2 and Th2 promoter activities.(이미지참조) 73

Figure 27. No inhibition of Thr-phosphorylated T-bet NFAT1-induced promoter activity in EL4 cells. 74

Figure 28. Inability of T-betT302A to suppress IL-5 cytokine production(이미지참조) 76

Figure 29. The T-betT302A abolished suppression of IL-2 and Th2 cytokines.(이미지참조) 77

Figure 30. Normal induction of IFN-γ by T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 79

Figure 31. Sustained DNA binding activity in T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 81

Figure 32. Highly expressed in nucleus and degradation in T-betT302A.(이미지참조) 83

Figure 33. Abolished the ability of T-bet to repress the production of IL-17 in T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 85

Figure 34. Diminished suppression of not only NFAT-induced IL-17 but also Foxp3 promoter activities by T-betK313R.(이미지참조) 87

Figure 35. Schematic illustration of regulatory mechanisms of T-bet Lys-313 in T cells. 94

초록보기 더보기

T-bet (T-box protein expressed in T cells)은 Th1 세포의 분화와 Th2, Th17, Treg 세포의 분화 조절에 관여하는 중요한 전사인자이다. T-bet 결핍시 CD4+ T cells에서의 IFN-γ 생성은 감소하는 반면, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13을 분비하는 T helper 2 (Th2) 세포로의 분화는 증가한다. T-bet이 결핍된 T 세포에 T-bet을 재발현 시키면, T-bet을 과발현 시키면, IFN-γ 생성이 증가하고, IL-2 생성과 Th2 세포로의 분화가 억제 된다. T-bet의 기능은 단백질의 수준에서 중요하게 작용하지만, T-bet의 단백질 안정성에 대한 조절기전은 알려져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 T-bet 단백질이 T cells 에서 proteasome에 의해 분해되며, T-bet Lys-313이 단백질 안정성에 중요한 ubiquitination 부위임을 확인하였다. T-bet Lys-313 변이형(T-betK313R)은 DNA-binding activity가 사라짐으로써 IFN-γ 생산을 하지 못했다. 이는 DNA와 결합하고 있는 T-bet 단백질 구조로부터 재확인되었다. 또한, T-bet은 NFAT1 과의 결합을 통해 IL-2 생성과 Th2세포로의 분화를 억제하는 반면, T-betK313R은 억제하지 못했다. 이는, NFAT1의 의해 생성된 IL-2 생성과 Th2 분화로의 억제 조절에 T-bet Thr-302의 Threonine 인산화가 중요하게 관여함을 확인함으로써 증명하였다. 이러한 기능은 T-bet이 결핍된 쥐에서 분리한 CD4+ T세포에 T-betK313R과 T-betT302A을 재도입하여 T-bet의 기능을 확인하였다. 결과, T-betK313R 은 사라진 DNA-binding activity에 의해 IFN-γ 생산을 하지 못하고, 더불어 IL-2와 Th2 세포의 분화를 저해하지 못하였다. T-betT302A는 IL-2와 Th2 세포 분화의 억제 기능은 사라진 반면, IFN-γ는 재생산되었다. 종합적으로, 이러한 결과들은 T-bet Lys-313은 T-bet 단백질의 안정성과 IFN-γ promoter의 결합에 중요하며, T-bet Lys-313은 Thr-302의 Threonine 인산화로 인해 NFAT1 과의 상호작용으로 IL-2와 Th2 cytokines을 억제하는데 중요함을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는, T-bet의 복합적인 단백질 번역 후 변형이 Th 세포의 분화 동안에 cytokine 생성의 조정에 관여함을 증명함으로써 천식이나 면역질환의 치료 개발에 기여 할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다.


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