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검색결과 (전체 1건)


창의적 무용프로그램을 통한 다문화가정 아동의 자아존중감과 사회성발달에 관한 연구 / 홍윤지 인기도
공주 : 공주대학교 교육대학원, 2012.2
TM 792.807 -12-41
iii, 51 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 공주대학교 교육대학원, 무용교육전공, 2012.2. 지도교수: 최선




I. 서론 7

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 7

2. 연구문제 8

3. 연구의 제한점 9

II. 이론적 배경 10

1. 다문화가정 아동 10

1) 다문화가정의 개념 10

2) 다문화가정 아동의 문제점 11

2. 자아존중감 13

1) 자아존중감의 개념 13

2) 자아존중감의 요인 14

3) 자아존중감의 특성 16

3. 아동기 사회성 발달 18

1) 사회성의 개념 및 의미 18

2) 사회성 발달의 하위요인 19

3) 초등학생의 사회성발달 20

4. 창의적 무용프로그램 22

1) Laban의 7-11세 아동을 위한 창의적 무용프로그램 22

2) Gilbert의 7-9세 아동을 위한 창의적 무용프로그램 23

3) 김화숙의 B.M.I.I₂프로그램 24

4) 창의적 무용프로그램 26

5. 선행연구 27

III. 연구방법 29

1. 연구 대상 29

2. 연구 도구 29

1) 설문지의 구성 29

2) 설문지 구성요인 30

3. 연구기간 및 절차 30

1) 연구기간 30

2) 연구절차 31

4. 자료처리방법 31

IV. 연구결과 및 논의 32

1. 일반적 특성 32

2. 자아존중감 33

3. 사회성발달 36

V. 결론 및 제언 40

1. 결론 40

2. 제언 42

참고문헌 43


부록 51

〈표 1〉 Laban의 7-11세 아동을 위한 수업주제(8단계) 22

〈표 2〉 Gilbert의 7-9세 아동을 위한 수업 주제 (15단계) 23

〈표 3〉 창의적 무용프로그램 16차시 26

〈표 4〉 설문지 구성지표 29

〈표 5〉 연구 일정표 31

〈표 6〉 다문화가정 아동의 일반적인 특성 32

〈표 7〉 자아존중감에 대한 T-검정분석 결과 34

〈표 8〉 사회성 발달에 대한 T-검정분석 결과 37

〈그림 1〉 김화숙의 B.M.I.I₂창작 무용프로그램의 단계적 수업 모델 25

〈그림 2〉 자아존중감 하위요인의 사전사후 34

〈그림 3〉 사회성발달 하위요인의 사전사후 36

초록보기 더보기

This study set up population at the school focusing on multicultural families in order to recognize on which affections are influenced to self-esteem and social developments of children in multicultural families through creative dance program, and then extracted 80 answer sheets of questionnaire by using self-administration method. Regarding to data treatments on collected 80 sheets from this questionnaire, general characteristics were displayed though frequency analysis by using statistic program SPSS 18.0, and also paired sample t-Test has been carried out for verifying differences between pre-past dance program's effects on self-esteem and social developments of children in multicultural families.

The result of hypothetical verification having been gotten through such research methods and data analyses was same as followings.

First, as the analyzed result on general characteristics, each 4 students in the 1st~5th grades were distributed, and schoolboys were more than schoolgirls in gender. In relation with transportations for attending school, walking was 9 students and bus was 11 students, and also China was most with 8 students in the nationality of foreign mothers. Next, regarding to age differences of their parents, 9 students among total 20 ones had parents of 11~15 year's differences, and more than 15 years was appeared to 11 students, and thus it showed characteristics of multicultural families differently from parent's age differences of general parents in Korea. Also, factory and construction workers as father's occupations were occupying half of them, and thus economical environments in multicultural families could be known accordingly.

Second, in the general self as sub factors of self-esteem first, it had significant differences because post-test showed better results(***P<.001) than pre-test. And social self-esteem was displayed as being increased after the test(***P<.001), and it could be known that the family self was more changed after dance(***P<.001) than before. Besides, school self(***P<.001) showed changed differences by being improved after the test.

Third, in the cooperativity among 5 sub factors of social developments, changes were displayed from post-test(***P<.001) than pre-test. Also, positive changes could be seen because post-test(***P<.001) on the responsibility showed significant differences. From the 3rd factor among sub factors of social developments, it could be known that the law-abiding spirit(***P<.001) of children in multicultural families was improved after dance lessons more than before lessons, and significant differences were appeared from post-test(***P<.001) in autonomy equally.

At the analytical result on service minds, post-test(*P<.05) showed significantlevelsstatistically than pre-test. Thus, after applying the dance program, social developments of the students were improved and changed more than pre-application.

If synthesizing these results, a conclusion can be gotten that executing the creative dance program would affect more effective and positive influences to children in multicultural families from respect of self-esteem and social developments than not being applied.


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