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검색결과 (전체 1건)


중국 공공외교에 관한 연구 : 공자학원 사례를 중심으로 / 金玉華 인기도
서울 : 성균관대학교 대학원, 2011.2
TM 320.3 -11-4
vi, 100 p. ; 30 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 성균관대학교 대학원, 비교정치, 2011.2. 지도교수: 이희옥




제1장 서론 8

제1절 문제제기 8

제2절 선행연구 11

제3절 분석의 틀 19

제2장 이론적 틀 22

제1절 공공외교의 개념틀 22

1. 공공외교의 개념의 발전 22

2. 문화외교, 소프트파워와 공공외교 25

제2절 공공외교의 유형 28

제3절 공공외교의 출현과 변화 31

제3장 중국 공공외교의 대두와 전개양상 40

제1절 중국 공공외교의 체계 40

1. 정부조직 42

2. 해외방송미디어 52

3. 비정부행위자 54

제2절 공공외교의 수단 57

제4장 중국 공공외교의 사례연구: 공자학원 71

제1절 공자학원의 거버넌스 71

1. 발생배경 71

2. 목표 74

3. 조직체계 77

제2절 공자학원의 확산과 심화 80

1. 공자학원의 확산속도 81

2. 공자학원의 심화 84

제5장 결론 91

참고문헌 96


中文摘要 106

〈표 2-1〉 전통외교, 민간외교 및 공공외교의 차이점 24

〈표 3-1〉 국무원 신문판공실 부서설치 및 직책 45

〈표 3-2〉 문화부의 구조와 기능 48

〈표 3-3〉 중국공산당의 전통적인 대외홍보수단 58

〈표 3-4〉 공공외교에 관련된 조직과 활동내용 60

〈표 3-5〉 중국에서 1991년 이후 발행한 정부백서 64

〈표 3-6〉 1998년 이후 중국의 문화축제전개정황 68

〈표 4-1〉 공자학원 본부 이사회 구성 79

〈표 4-2〉 국가대외중국어교육 영도소조 구성원 79

〈표 4-3〉 세계 각 국 언어보급기관의 현황비교 81

〈표 4-4〉 중국 공자학원의 전 세계적 확산 추이 82

〈표 4-5〉 장쩌민체제와 후진타오체제의 외교정책비교 86

〈표 4-6〉 지역별 공자학원 분포 추이(2007-2009) 88

〈표 4-7〉 공자학원이 해외에서 추진하는 주요사업내용 90

〈그림1-1〉 중국에서의 공공외교 연구동향추이 15

〈그림1-2〉 분석의 틀 20

〈그림2-1〉 공공외교의 개념 25

〈그림2-2〉 소프트파워자원의 구성 26

〈그림2-3〉 소프트파워와 공공외교의 상관관계 27

〈그림2-4〉 공공외교와 문화외교의 관계 28

〈그림3-1〉 중국 외교정책결정시스템 41

〈그림3-2〉 중국 공공외교의 국가행위자 46

〈그림3-3〉 중국 공공외교 시스템 57

〈그림3-4〉 중국의 기자회견 흐름도 61

초록보기 더보기

After the break up of the Soviet Union, the cognition of power has been greatly changed. Soft power has become one of the most important elements of a country’s strength. Public diplomacy, as a method to practice soft power, refers to the diplomatic actions of a government to influence overseas governments. The rapid development of China’s economy has enhanced China’s right to speak in the international society and also raised China’s international prestige. Meanwhile, it also brought about the “China Threat” theory in the world. It is necessary to deploy public diplomacy, which is very different from traditional diplomacy, to create a better international environment that is beneficial to a country’s development. The existing researches consider Confucius Institute as a form of soft power, whereas in this thesis, this study consider it as a way of public diplomacy. And it is characterized with the following features:

In terms of the constitution, China’s public diplomacy has the mechanism of taking the Propaganda Department of CPC and the Information office of the State Council as the command center. As the specialty of China’s “party-state” system, the leading organ of Confucius Institute is CPC, as well as the Chinese government. As the governing body of Office of Chinese Language Council International, it’s board of directors are held by the responsible officers from each department of the State Council. In terms of the methods of deployment, modern communication technologies are adopted actively, so that not only the physical Confucius Institutes are founded and extend rapidly, but also the spreading of Chinese overseas are greatly promoted, through the corporation of multi-mass medium, such as TV, internet, and broadcasting. In terms of the ways how China’s public diplomacy deploys, China’s public diplomacy can actually to be considered as a part of China’s diplomacy as a whole.

If we have a review of how fast Confucius Institute spreads as well as it’s scale, it is obvious that China’s public diplomacy (Confucius Institute) takes developed countries as the first target and also actively promotes the strategic corporation with East Asian countries, as well as central and south African countries. This is consistent with the diplomatic arrangement that China has adopted recent years, which is to start from the diplomacy with great powers and the countries in the neighborhood, and then developing countries.

Apart from all above, the public diplomacy of China is still in its first phase and has many problems. In the process of promoting the public diplomacy, although the “state-party” system of China has gained some achievements through shifting resources, its reliability has been decreased, due to the difficulty to get rid of traditional propaganda.

Moreover, as the public diplomacy in the world has the tendency to center in cultural diplomacy, it is necessary to notice the insufficiency of the cultural contents in the public diplomacy, Both the features and problems of China’s public diplomacy have brought inspirations to the public diplomacy of South Korea. In the public diplomacy of South Korea, not only the organizational structures and their staffs have to be re-arranged, but also a consistent strategy is needed at once. In terms of the contents, new cultural connotation should be created to surpass the “Korean Fad”.


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