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검색결과 (전체 1건)


노신 문학과 외국작가의 영향 : 『눌함』·『방황』·『야초』를 중심으로 / 이종대 인기도
서울 : 동국대학교 대학원, 2009.2
TD 412 -9-46
iii, 262 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 동국대학교 대학원, 중어중문학, 2009.2. 지도교수: 김양수




제1장 서론 6

제1절 연구목적 6

제2절 기존 연구성과 12

제3절 연구범위 및 방법 20

제2장 외국사조의 수용 24

제1절 남경시기 24

제2절 일본유학시기 29

제3장 「눌함」과 외국문학 41

제1절 「자서」와 무샤노코지 사네아쓰 42

1. 「어느 청년의 꿈」에 감동한 노신 44

2. 무샤노코지 사네아쓰의 창작 관점 48

3. 「어느 청년의 꿈」이 「자서」에 끼친 영향 52

제2절 「광인일기」와 고골리 60

1. 노신의 정신적 스승 고골리 60

2. '광인'의 민주 혁명사상 64

3. 고골리가 노신에 끼친 영향 70

제3절 「고향」과 치리코프 79

1. 노신과 치리코프 80

2. 「성회」와「고향」 82

제4절 「아Q정전」과 솅키에비치 98

1. 노신이 번역한 솅키에비치 작품 98

2. 솅키에비치가 노신 소설에 끼친 영향 100

3. 「아Q정전」과 「승리자 바르테크」·「탄화」 108

제5절 「토화묘」와 예로센코 117

1. 예로센코의 후원자 노신 118

2. 노신 창작에 끼친 예로센코의 영향 123

3. 노신식 복수와 항쟁 129

제4장 「방황」과 외국문학 133

제1절 「행복적가정」과 입센 134

1. '오·사' 시기의 입센 135

2. 개성해방과 사회비판사상 138

3. 여성 경제권과 이상가정 143

제2절 「상서」와 아리시마 다케오 155

1. 노신과 백화파 작가 아리시마 다케오 156

2. 「어떤 여자」와 「상서」 158

3. 노신과 아리시마 다케오의 여성인식 168

제3절 「축복」과 체호프 172

1. 노신과 체호프의 소설 173

2. 노신과 체호프의 현실주의 176

3. 「축복」과 「고뇌」 183

제5장 「야초」와 외국문학 186

제1절 나쓰메 소세키의 「열흘 밤의 꿈」 187

1. 나쓰메 소세키의 애독자 노신 189

2. 상징과 꿈의 형식 192

3. 생략과 음색묘사 201

제2절 투르게네프의 산문시 206

1. '인생을 위하는' 문학 207

2. 투르게네프 산문시가 「야초」에 끼친 영향 209

3. 「야초」와 투르게네프 산문시의 표현방식 215

제3절 보들레르의 『악의 꽃』 224

1. 노신과 보들레르 224

2. 노신과 보들레르의 성장과정과 이상추구의 동이점 226

3. 『악의 꽃』이 『야초』에 끼친 영향 232

제6장 결론 245

참고문헌 249


초록보기 더보기

LuXun experienced new knowledge even though he had a difficult time of growing in his childhood. He thought that there is nothing but the spiritual revolution that could save China and Chinese from lagging behind. He got this revolutionary idea deeply influenced by Zhang taiyan(章太炎), liang qichao(梁啓超) and others when studying abroad in Japan. Considering literature as a necessary method of realizing this revolutionary thought, he proposed a certain style in literature within rebellious and shouting artistic skills and contents. However, he couldn't find the right forms of styles in China and he couldn't help turning his eyes around foreign literatures at other countries. This is a reason why he introduced foreign literary works in translation, judging that it is necessary to reform urgently in Chinese thoughts for the purpose of changing spiritual world in the public.

His literary activities had been starting from translating works of foreign literatures in Chinese. He translated and introduced so many foreign literary works written by over 100 authors spreading widely in 10 countries for a long time, about 30 years from the early 20th century. In this era of doing this activity, LuXun received the essential parts and new currents in their foreign works on the stance of Chinese viewpoints without forgetting the fact that he is Chinese. Within these efforts, he extended deeply his own colors of spiritual sphere. Reflecting temporal situations in China, he was interested in particular works of foreign countries showing their rebelling souls and painful outcries under the suppression. Although he commented on himself that had been influenced by foreign literatures, it is undeniably clear that he created uniquely his works as highly as any comparable works couldn't stand up equally no matter what he said. It was very inescapable to take the course of translations in his literary activities for being adequate to his great needs considering politic circumstance in China. Therefore, it is absolutely meaningful to reflect carefully this course of his translations in order not only to speculate exhaustively LuXun's literary thoughts but also to understand the development of a whole history in modern China. It is sure that he had been inspired to his own creative works by this course of translations.

This paper looks analytically into the influential relations of foreign works to 'Shouting'(『납喊』(NaHan) ), 'Wandering'(『彷徨』(FangHuang)) and 'Wild flower'(『野草』(YeCao)) of LuXun. It shows the relationship of 'Shouting'(『납喊』(NaHan)) with some foreign works and writers, who are Mushanokoji Saneats, Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Evgenii Nikolaevich Chirikov, Vasilli Yakovlevich Eroshenko; the relationship of 'Wandering'(彷徨)(FangHuang)) with some foreign works and writers, who are Henrik Ibsen, Arisima takeo, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; the relationship of 'Wild flower'(『野草』(YeCao)) with some foreign works and writers, who are Natsme soseki, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Charles Pierre Baudelaire.

LuXun made an effort on helping people to awaken from their ignorance in a way of introducing foreign literatures. In particular, there are some elements presented in Russian and Japanese literatures, which are patriotism, love and compassion of people and criticism against darkness in society that made LuXun inspired to create his own novels as well as influenced to develop his art skills and literary features. His creative works at the beginning of its time explored the darkness in social phenomenon. He focused on the exhaustive criticism against old systems and conventional cultures and also tried to save people from the suppression with his compassion.

LuXun found a way of expressing and creating its own feature in his novels by the way of absorbing most of great works in literature appropriate to his and public needs all the time. He succeeded to Chinese art spirits in traditional novels with reference to artistic and descriptive technique appeared in western novels. He made those two different characteristics together in harmonious state and create a new from of novels in his own way. Due to this great effort, he is one of the most initiative and progressive artists as a writer playing an important role in establishing the modern style in Chinese novels. LuXun couldn't be thought of as a sort of a slave to western cultures, but one of the most outstanding figures receiving and possessing all the great cultural results breathing actively in his own country and other countries at his times. These features in his literary activities in receiving and possessing all the wonderful cultural aspects aims at the establishment of laying the foundation for the new development in Chinese culture.


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