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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Molecular, expressional and biochemical characterizations of dehydroascorbate reductase and peroxidase from hairy root cultures = 참깨 모상근 배양체로부터 Dehydroascorbate Reductase와 Peroxidase의 클로닝과 발현 및 생화학적 특성 / 천재안 인기도
부산 : 동아대학교 대학원, 2007.8
TD 660.6 ㅊ129m
vii, 85 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 동아대학교 대학원, 생명공학, 2007.8


title page



CHAPTER I. Comparative expression and characterization of dehydroaseorbate reductase eDNA from transformed sesame hairy roorts using real-time PCR 11

1.introduction 12

2. Materials and methods 14

1) Plant materials andinitiation of transformed sesame hairy roots 14

2) Isolation of RNA 14

3) Assays of real-time RT-PCR and RT-PCR 15

4) Construction of cDNA library form sesame hairy roots 16

5) DNA sequence analysis 17

3. Results and discussion 18

1) Comparison of the detection capability of transcription activity of the cloned DHAR 18

2) Comparison of expression of the sesame DHARin different sesame organ tissues 22

3) Characterization of the cloned sesame DHAR cDNA 23

References 29

CHAPTER II. Molecular and biochemical characterizations of dehydroascorbate reductase from sesame(seamumindicum L.) hairy root 31

1.introduction 32

2. Materials and methods 35

1) Transformation,initiation and cultures of sesame hairy roots 35

2) Isolation of RNA and construction of cDNA library from sesame hairy roots 35

3) A cDNA library was constructed with mRNA isolated from total RNA of the hairy roots 36

4) RT-PCR and cloning of DHAR cDNA 36

5) DNA sequencing and data analysis 37

6) Real-time RT-PCR 37

7) Assay of DHAR activity and treatments of temperature and pH 38

8) SDS-PAGE and quantification of protein 39

9) Expression of the recombinant DHARin E. Coli 40

10) Purification of the recombinant DHAR from E. Coli 40

11) Preparation of antibody and western blot analysis 41

3. Results and discussion 43

1) Structural characterization of the sesame DHAR cDNA 43

2) Purification characterization of the recombinant sesame DHARin E. Coli 45

3) Effects of pH and temperature on the recombinant DHAR 49

4) Analysis of expression profiles of DHAR cDNA during the sesame hairy roots cultures 52

5) Behavioral analyses of protein and DHAR activity during the sesame hairy root cultures 56

References 60

CHAPTER III. Molecular cloning and expressional characterization of a peroxidase cDNA from sesame hairy root cultures 64

1. Introduction 65

2. Materials and methods 67

1) Preparation of sesame hairy roots 67

2) Isolation of total RNA and mRNA 67

3) Construction of cDNA library cloning of sesame peroxidase cDNA 68

4) DNA sequencing and data analysis 69

5) Real-time RT-PCR and RT-PCR 70

3. Results and discussion 72

1) Characterization of sesame peroxidase sequence 72

2) Effect of culture period on the peroxidase expression 80

3) Differential expression profiles of the peroxidasein different organ tissues 84

References 88

Abstract 93

Acknowledgement 95

CHAPTER II. Molecular and biochemical characterizations of dehydroascorbate reductase from sesame(seamumindicum L.) hairy root 8

Table 1. Sequence characterization of deduced amino acids of DHAR and the conserved CXXC or CXXC motif 44

Table 2. Purification of the recombinant sesame DHAR expressed in an E. coli expression system 46

CHAPTER III. Molecular cloning and expressional characterization of a peroxidase cDNA from sesame hairy root cultures 8

Table 1. The sequences of primers and probes used for real-time RT-PCR 75

Table 2. Sequence characterization of the deduced amino acid(AA) residues of the putative sesame peroxidase protein 86

CHAPTER I. Comparative expression and characterization of dehydroascorbate reductase cDNA from transformed sesame hairy roots using real-time PCR 9

Fig. 1. The expression profile of the cloned DHAR cDNA from different sesame tissue of the transformed hairy roots, leaves, stem, roots, seeds 19

Fig. 2. Comparative transcription activities of the cloned DHAR cDNA determined by conventional RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR technique in different sesame tissues. two ul(이미지참조) of the final PCR products (20ul(이미지참조)) PCR... 20

Fig. 3. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of the DHAR using clustalW *, colon and semicolon dwnote identical amino acid residues, conserved sequences, and semi-conserved sequences... 27

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of dehydroascorbate reductases from various plant sources deposited in the genbank database. the accession numbers taken from the genbank database are indicated in the parentheses. 28

CHAPTER II. Molecular and biochemical characterizations of dehydroascorbate reductase from sesame(seamumindicum L.) hairy root 9

Fig. 1. The proposed ascorbate-glutathione recycling pathway 34

Fig. 2. The recombinant sesame DHAR protein expressed in an E. coli expression system, pET-32a 48

Fig. 3. Effect of pH on the recombinant sesame DHAR activity. 50

Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on the recombinant sesame DHAR activity. Nine different temperatures (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80, and 90℃) were applied during incubation of the DHAR reaction. 51

Fig. 5. Standard couver(A) and expression profile of 18s rRNA(B). The expression profile of the cloned DHAR cDNA from different the culture period from 1-week to 6-week culture(c) 54

Fig. 6. Profile of transcription activity of the sesame DHAR during the sesame hairy root cultures 55

Fig. 7. Protein profile by SDS-PAGE during the sesame hairy root cultures 58

Fig. 8. Changes in the sesame DHAR activity during the sesame hairy root cultures 59

CHAPTER III. Molecular cloning and expressional characterization of a peroxidase cDNA from sesame hairy root cultures 10

Fig. 1. The nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of the clone sesame cDNA. The sequence is underlined. The 8 cysteine residues are grey boxed. The glycosylated NXS tliplets are open boxed. 73

Fig. 2. Structural diagram of the putative sesame peroxidase protein 76

Fig. 3. Phyogenetic relationships between alignment sequences of amino acid residues deduced from the cloned sesame cDNA protein and other peroxidase genes. Eighteen perxidase genes deposited in ?GenBank... 79

Fig. 4. Standard couver(A) and expression profile of DHAR(B). The expression profile of the cloned peroxidase cDNA from different the culture period from 1-week to 6-week culture 82

Fig. 5. Changes in sesame hairy root biomass growth and transcription activity of the cloned sesame peroxidase during their cultures 83

Fig. 6. Comparison of transcription activity of the sesame peroxidase in different organ tissues 87

초록보기 더보기

Dehydroascorbate reductase(DHAR)의 특질적인 전사활성이 real-time RT-PCR technique의 comparative threshold cycle(CT) 방법과 RT-PCR을 사용하여 형질전환된 모상근, 잎, 줄기, 뿌리, 참깨 발육종자와 같은 5가지의 서로 다른 조직에서 상대적 발현수준이 비교 조사되었다. 특이하게 DHAR의 전사수준은 줄기에서 모상근 보다 4.7배 더 높게 나타났으며 가장 낮은 수준은 종자에서 나타내어졌다. 또한 형질전환된 모상근으로 부터 DHAR cDNA를 클론하였으며 DHAR 효소의 아미노산 서열의 identity는 식물 종에 있어서 60에서 83%의 동질성을 가지고 있는 것을 발견하였다. 클론된 cDNA polypeptide의 또 다른 특징은 DHAR 효소의 활성영역에 있어서 CXXC motif를 대신해서 CXXS가 존재한다는 것이다. 또한 catalytic motif CXXS를 포함하는 cDNA는 thiol-dependent redox function을 나타내는 것이라 생각된다. E. coli expression system에서 발현되어진 fusion DHAR을 정제하여 western blot analyses를 위한 항체를 제작하였다. 정제된 재조합 DHAR의 최적의 pH는 다른 식물종의 최적의 pH(7.8-8.2)와 다르게 Ph 6.0에서 가장 높은 활성을 나타내었다. DHAR 활성에 관한 최적의 온도는 비교적 넓은 범위의 30℃에서 60℃사이의 범위를 가지고 있었다. real-time RT-PCR technique를 사용한 DHAR의 전사활성의 비교에서 3주 후의 모상근보다 3주 전의 모상근에서 2-5배의 높은 전사활성을 나타내었다. 참깨 DHAR의 가장 높은 활성은 4주차에서 가장 높게 나타났으면 그 이후로는 약 80%까지 감소하였다. DHAR 효소의 존재를 확인하기 위한 western blot analyses한 결과 모상근과 fused E, coli에서 DHAR 효소가 존재한다는 것을 확인하였다.

putative plant class Ⅲ peroxidase를 encoding하는 full-length cDNA가 Agrobacterium rhizogenes을 이용해 형질전환된 참깨 모상근으로부터 분리 되었으며, 그것의 염기서열은 참깨의 다른조직과 그리고 모생근 배양기간에 관계있는 것으로 나타내어졌다. cDNA의 완전한 염기서열은 330개의 아미노산 잔기를 가지고 있는 polypeptide를 encoding하는 990bp의 ORF를 가지며 전체 크기는 1209bp이다. 클론된 cDNA부터 산출되어진 아미노산 잔기의 identity 와 similarity는 다른 종들과 비교해서 10-73%와 16-85%로 나타내어졌다. cDNA로부터 산출되어진 아미노산의 잔기의 염기서열의 특징은 class Ⅲ peroxidase family에서 일반적으로 발견되는 것이며 다음과 같다. ; 1) The presence of the putative 4 disulfide bridges, 2) The presence of an ER-targeted signal sequence in the N-terminus, and 3) The presence of two triplets, NXS for glycosylation. A real-time RT-PCR analysis는 전사활성에서 4주후의 모상근 배양에서 급격한 증가를 보여주었으며 반면에 모상근의 생장은 2주 후부터 급격한 증가를 나타내었으며 5주후에는 더 이상의 생장은 이루어지지 않았다. 가장 높은 peroxidase의 전사는 6주로 나타났으며 이것은 배양기간이 길어질수록 높은 peroxidase의 전사활성이 나타내어진다는 것을 의미한다. 모상근 배양 기간에 대한 모상근 생장 변화와 peroxidase 전사활성사이에는 상화관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 참깨 peroxidase는 모든 조직에서 구조적으로 전사되어졌으며 이러한 것은 식물 생장과 발육에 대한 생리적 과정에서 peroxidase가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 의미하며 peroxidase는 아마도 식물이 생장하는 동안 phenotypic function에서 미세한 차이점을 가지고 있다는 것을 의미하고 있다.


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