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검색결과 (전체 1건)


오주 이규경의 「도다변증설」 연구 / 최향옥 인기도
서울 : 성균관대학교 생활과학대학원, 2006.8
TM 394.15 ㅊ334ㅇ
ii, 154 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 성균관대학교 생활과학대학원, 생활예절·다도, 2006.8




I. 서론 7

1. 연구 목적 7

2. 연구 방법과 범위 10

II. 오주 학문의 형성배경과 성격 15

1. 오주의 생애와 교우관계 15

2. 오주 학문의 성격 19

1) 유서의 개념과 백과전서류의 학풍 23

III. 「도다변증설」의 주제별 분류에 따른 다고사 고찰 27

1. 도와 차의 근원 27

1) 여는 차자의 시원 자 29

2) 『이아』의 '차' 자와 유사글자 30

3) 한대 이전의 '차' 자 34

4) '도'의 실제 내용 분석 38

5) 문헌 기록 왕포 「동약」 41

6) '도'에 관한 중요 기록 44

2. 중국차의 역사 45

1) '차'의 시원적 기록과 내용 46

2) 『다경』에 나오는 차 48

3) 『대관다론』점다의 일곱가지 기교 56

4) 약용에서 기호음료로 전환된 송대의 차 59

5) 『선화북원공다록』의 차 61

6) 송의 용봉차와 소룡단과 밀운룡 64

7) 송의 백차와 용원승설차 66

8) 『다록』의 차색 73

3. 다품과 다사 79

1) 상품 차싹의 입지 조건 79

2) 차 끓이기 좋은 물 83

3) 끓는 탕의 상태 86

4) 19세기 초에 유행한 중국차 91

4. 다세제도 이해 93

1) 다마교역과 세금징수시작 95

5. 차의 효능 98

1) 『다경』의 구난 98

6. 분야 별로 본 다문헌 고찰 105

1) 종합성의 다서와 지방성의 다서 107

2) 종다와 다원의 관리에 대한 문헌 108

3) 채다와 제다 관련의 문헌 108

4) 수질 품평과 다탕 조제에 관한 전서 111

5) 품다와 팽다 및 음차 용기에 대한 문헌 112

6) 「도다변증설」의 인용서목 113

IV. 오주의 차의 인식을 통해 본 한국의 음다속 115

1. 오주의 수양적 다생활 115

1) 사계절에 맞추어 살아가는 수양적 방법 116

2) 하루 24시간의 수양법 118

2. 오주의 독창적 다론 122

1) 죽로차 124

2) 만덕차 124

3. 한국의 음다속과 우리 선인들의 음다생활 128

1) 차 시배지설 129

2) 한국다인의 사회적 신분과 음다생활 135

3) 한국 다인의 업적 141

4) 이상적인 다인상 143

V. 결론 146

참고문헌 150


표1) 글자의 생성과정 29

표2) 자전에서는 차의 이름은 다음과 같이 구분한다 38

표3) 차를 의미 하는 글자의 종류와 출전 41

표4) 지역별 유명 병다명 55

표5) 『북원별록』에 나타난 공차의 종류 70

표6) 차의 효능 104

표7) 「도다변증설」의 인용서목 114

초록보기 더보기

Through「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」 in Oh-Joo's literature "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』", I am reviewing his Tea Life and trying to find out his spirit in it. thought of tea and old Tea's story as subject in his 「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」, it is noticeable that Oh-Joo had introduced much about China Song Dynasty's Tea Culture. Korean People drinking teas and their names in his book are estimated as valuable historical documents. He had quoted many things from China Books to explain of Korean Teas and these show his intensive dialectic study.

Many people and books in Korea and abroad had also been quoted in his book "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" These had influenced him to form his thoughts no less than Bukhakpa Scholars and his grandfather, Lee Duck Mu, who was old minister in Korea Lee's Dynasty.

In this study of Oh-Joo's book "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" with carefully seeing his target of "Useful Study", I realized that we should, of course, make an attention to even small issues and need to find out the factors of them. This is the point what we need to learn from Oh-Joo's research. Lee Kyu-Kyung had as much attention about western world as he had another name Oh-Joo which means five seas and six lands in earth. Lee Kyu-Kyung realized that western's scientific technology was superior to China's one, but he had a serious view of Oriental scientific succession. He had adopted any things which were necessary for making country rich, without caring paganism. This came from his open mind with absorbing traditional and new trend of thoughts. His book is dialectic lumps which searched the past, describe the present, predict the future and show important historical materials while his living. Lee Kyu-Kyung had described his dialectic opinions through his book with exhaustive way of historical investigation. With influential of Bughakpa, though Lee Kyu-Kyung had an attention China and Western studies, he had more affection on ours.

"Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" there are many fields of folks arts and lower classes's culture in those days with details and they are very helpful on the historical study of folks and their lives.

Historically, the variety of society, culture, etc. in earlier 19th century is much different from the end 18th century. Lee Kyu-Kyung had felt these changes of lives and wanted to make dialectic about them. At these points, Oh-Joo's book "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" really give us lessons remarkably nowadays.

On this study, at the first, I review Oh-Joo's life, scholarship, character, friendship and secondly, investigate total flow, formative factors of「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」And the interpretation of「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」 is made by myself. By direct way, I tried to interpretate it based on fully original.

Thirdly, I tried to grasp Oh-Joo's Tea life, spirit and morality.

Crystallization of certain study result is editing on the treatise by common rule. For preparing of editing "Classical complete works of Tea's morality", it is very necessary to open relative documentary records and revision.

The conclusion after researching the sources of「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」in Lee Kyu-Kyung's book "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" can be summarized as follows.

First, study of the source, revisions of wrong and missing words for tea book, which are conditions precedent of editing tea morality's dictionary and similar books, are urgent necessary.

Second,「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」were adopted on 17 Chinese's, 2 Korean's, 1 Japanese's literatures and it was confirmed, but unknown Chinese sources of "Gogumbiwon『고금비원』"Sochangchunggi『소창청기』" and Japanese source of "Sunwhadohoi『順和圖會』" are required to research in next study.

As mentioned on this study, Oh-Joo's preservation and care of people's health which were explained on "Lesson of life" with detail, were written in his 60 years old. And it introduced daily routing after describing of how to cultivate people's mind for good fitting as seasons per year.

If we graft this "Lesson of the life" which is tea's self culturing function, into the 21st century living modern people, I am sure it can be great well-being life's practice.

As preceding study about「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」is insufficient and even not having Korean translation of it, I am hoping that this study can present to the people to collect more materials of Oh Joo widely and research them in the near future. Accordingly, we have to study not only Oh-Joo's book "Ohjooyeonmunjangjunsango『五洲衍文長箋散稿』" but「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」more specially and deeply. Through vigorous study of 「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」I am expecting that righteous tea's morality books will be editing and they will be foundation stone of cultural heritage and tea. Besides, I am desiring 「Dialectics of thistle and Tea」will be reading as required reading book and it will be as complete classics in our tea book.

Excavation of Oh-Joo's experimental spirit and wide illumination of Tea's morality spirit and making thesis of Tea morality theory in related to the tea industry will be remain as next tasks.


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