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검색결과 (전체 1건)


여수 금오도 연안의 어류 종조성 및 군집구조 변화 / 김춘철 인기도
광주 : 전남대학교 대학원, 2006.8
TD 639.2 ㄱ925ㅇ
xx, 213 p. ; 30 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 전남대학교 대학원, 수산과학, 2006.8




국문초록 20

제1장 서론 23

1. 연구해역의 특성 23

2. 연구의 필요성 27

제2장 재료 및 방법 29

1. 수질환경 29

2. 어류상 31

가. 어구별 연구방법 31

1) 소형 기선저인망 31

2) 이각망 31

3) 통발 31

4) 자망 31

나. 종조성 33

다. 양적변동 33

라. 군집구조 33

마. 주요 출현종의 체장조성 34

제3장 결과 35

1. 수질환경 35

가. 수온 35

나. 염분 36

다. 수소이온농도(pH) 37

라. 용존산소(DO) 38

마. 화학적산소요구량(COD) 39

바. 부유물질(SS) 40

2. 어류상 41

가. 소형기선 저인망 41

1) 종조성 41

가) 2002년 42

나) 2003년 43

다) 2004년 44

라) 2005년 45

2) 월별 양적변동 46

가) 2002년 46

나) 2003년 48

다) 2004년 50

라) 2005년 52

3) 연도별 양적변동 54

4) 군집구조 58

가) 2002년 58

나) 2003년 61

다) 2004년 64

라) 2005년 67

마) 연도별 70

나. 이각망 73

1) 종조성 73

가) 2002년 74

나) 2003년 75

다) 2004년 76

라) 2005년 77

2) 월별 양적변동 78

가) 2002년 78

나) 2003년 80

다) 2004년 82

라) 2005년 84

3) 연도별 양적변동 86

4) 군집구조 89

가) 2002년 89

나) 2003년 92

다) 2004년 95

라) 2005년 98

마) 연도별 101

다. 통발 104

1) 종조성 104

가) 2002년 105

나) 2003년 106

다) 2004년 107

라) 2005년 108

2) 월별 양적변동 109

가) 2002년 109

나) 2003년 111

다) 2004년 113

라) 2005년 115

3) 연도별 양적변동 117

4) 군집구조 120

가) 2002년 120

나) 2003년 123

다) 2004년 126

라) 2005년 129

마) 연도별 132

라. 자망 135

1) 종조성 135

가) 2002년 136

나) 2003년 137

다) 2004년 138

라) 2005년 139

2) 월별 양적변동 140

가) 2002년 140

나) 2003년 142

다) 2004년 144

라) 2005년 146

3) 연도별 양적변동 148

4) 군집구조 151

가) 2002년 151

나) 2003년 157

다) 2004년 157

라) 2005년 160

마) 연도별 163

제4장 고찰 166

참고문헌 180

Abstract 184

Appendix 188

감사의 글 234

Table 1. Water temperature(℃) in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 35

Table 2. Water salinity( ) in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 36

Table 3. Water pH in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 37

Table 4. Water dissolved oxygen(㎎/ℓ) in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 38

Table 5. Water chemical oxygen demand(㎎/ℓ) in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 39

Table 6. Water suspended solids(㎎/ℓ) in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005(S : surface, B : bottom) 40

Table 7. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 41

Table 8. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 42

Table 9. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 43

Table 10. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 44

Table 11. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2005 45

Table 12. The list of fishes catched by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 55

Table 13. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by both sides fyke net collected in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 73

Table 14. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by both sides fyke net collected in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 74

Table 15. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by both sides fyke net collected in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 75

Table 16. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by both sides fyke net collected in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 76

Table 17. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by both sides fyke net collected in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 77

Table 18. The list of fishes catched by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 87

Table 19. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 104

Table 20. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 105

Table 21. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2003 106

Table 22. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2004 107

Table 23. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2005 108

Table 24. The list of fishes catched by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 118

Table 25. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 135

Table 26. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 136

Table 27. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 137

Table 28. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 138

Table 29. Number of orders, families and species of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 139

Table 30. The list of fishes catched by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 149

Table 31. Comparison of species composition of fishes collected by otter trawl to those obtained from the other coastal waters of korea 169

Table 32. Comparison of species composition of fishes collected by both sides fyke net to those obtained from the other coastal waters of korea 173

Table 33. Comparison of species composition of fishes collected by fish pots and trammel net to those obtained from the other coastal waters of korea 173

Fig. 1. Bottom topography in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 24

Fig. 2. Maximum flood current in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 25

Fig. 3. Maximum ebb current in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 26

Fig. 4. Observational locations the quality of water in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 30

Fig. 5. Map showing the study areas in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 32

Fig. 6. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 47

Fig. 7. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 49

Fig. 8. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 51

Fig. 9. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2005 53

Fig. 10. Yearly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu form 2002 to 2005 57

Fig. 11. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 59

Fig. 12. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 60

Fig. 13. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 60

Fig. 14. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 62

Fig. 15. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 63

Fig. 16. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 63

Fig. 17. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 65

Fig. 18. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 66

Fig. 19. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 66

Fig. 20. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 68

Fig. 21. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 69

Fig. 22. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 69

Fig. 23. Yearly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, from 2002 to 2005 71

Fig. 24. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each yearly by number of fishes collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 72

Fig. 25. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 72

Fig. 26. Monthly Seasonal variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 79

Fig. 27. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 81

Fig. 28. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 83

Fig. 29. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2005 85

Fig. 30. Yearly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu form 2002 to 2005 88

Fig. 31. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 90

Fig. 32. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 91

Fig. 33. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 91

Fig. 34. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 93

Fig. 35. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 94

Fig. 36. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 94

Fig. 37. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 96

Fig. 38. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 97

Fig. 39. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 97

Fig. 40. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 99

Fig. 41. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 100

Fig. 42. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 100

Fig. 43. Yearly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by both sides fyke net in Geumodo, Yeosu, from 2002 to 2005 102

Fig. 44. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, from 2002 to 2005 103

Fig. 45. Plot of fishes collected by small otter trawl community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 103

Fig. 46. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 110

Fig. 47. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 112

Fig. 48. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 114

Fig. 49. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2005 116

Fig. 50. Yearly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu form 2002 to 2005 119

Fig. 51. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 121

Fig. 52. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 122

Fig. 53. Plot of fishes collected by fish pots community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 122

Fig. 54. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 124

Fig. 55. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 125

Fig. 56. Plot of fishes collected by fish pots community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 125

Fig. 57. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 127

Fig. 58. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 128

Fig. 59. Plot of fishes collected by fish pots community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 128

Fig. 60. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 130

Fig. 61. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each monthly by number of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 131

Fig. 62. Plot of fishes collected by fish pots community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 131

Fig. 63. Yearly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, from 2002 to 2005 133

Fig. 64. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each yearly by number of fishes collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 134

Fig. 65. Plot of fishes collected by fish pots community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 134

Fig. 66. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2002 141

Fig. 67. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2003 143

Fig. 68. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2004 145

Fig. 69. Monthly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu 2005 147

Fig. 70. Yearly variation in number of individuals and biomass of the fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu form 2002 to 2005 150

Fig. 71. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 152

Fig. 72. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 153

Fig. 73. Plot of fishes collected by trammel net community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2002 153

Fig. 74. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 155

Fig. 75. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 156

Fig. 76. Plot of fishes collected by trammel net community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2003 156

Fig. 77. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 158

Fig. 78. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 159

Fig. 79. Plot of fishes collected by trammel net community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2004 159

Fig. 80. Monthly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 161

Fig. 81. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each seasonal by number of fishes collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 162

Fig. 82. Plot of fishes collected by trammel net community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu, 2005 162

Fig. 83. Yearly variations in diversity index, richness, evenness and dominance of fish collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 164

Fig. 84. Dendrogram illustration the simility of the each yearly by number of fishes collected in Kwangyang Bay, from 1998 to 2002 165

Fig. 85. Plot of fishes collected by trammel net community on first vs. second principal components from analysis of the quantitative characters in coastal waters of Geumodo, Yeosu from 2002 to 2005 165

Fig. 86. Dendrogram illustrating the classification of fish species collected by small otter trawl in coastal waters of Geumodo on the basis of their occurrence patterns 174

Fig. 87. Dendrogram illustrating the classification of fish species collected by both sides fyke net in coastal waters of Geumodo on the basis of their occurrence patterns 175

Fig. 88. Dendrogram illustrating the classification of fish species collected by fish pots in coastal waters of Geumodo on the basis of their occurrence patterns 176

Fig. 89. Dendrogram illustrating the classification of fish species collected by trammel net in coastal waters of Geumodo on the basis of their occurrence patterns 177

Fig. 90. Scattered diagram of the first principal component scores versus temperature. The regression was determined by a least square fit 178


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