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검색결과 (전체 1건)


한국의 해양환경교육 분석과 활성화 방안 / 홍순경 인기도
부산 : 부산대학교 환경대학원, 2005.8
TM 363.707 ㅎ249ㅎ
vii, 125 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 부산대학교 환경대학원, 환경과학, 2005.8




제1장 서론 11

제2장 선행연구 및 연구방법 13

2.1. 선행연구 13

2.1.1. 이론적 배경 13 환경교육의 의의와 목적 13 환경교육의 원리 14 환경문제의 인식-해양으로의 공간적 확대 15 해양환경교육의 지향점 16

2.1.2. 문헌연구 17

2.2. 연구방법 18

제3장 한국 및 외국의 해양환경교육 20

3.1. 한국의 전통 해양의식과 해양환경교육 20

3.1.1. 종패 21

3.1.2. 뻘땅 22

3.1.3. 당제 22

3.1.4. 물때 23

3.1.5. 포구 23

3.1.6. 할망바당 23

3.1.7. 법구경 제4장 화향품 24

3.2. GO 차원의 해양환경교육 24

3.2.1. 개요 24

3.2.2. 해양수산부 및 해양수산부 유관기관 25 해양수산부 25 울산지방해양수산청 '열린 바다학교' 동행 분석 31 해양연구원 44

3.2.3. 환경부/교육인적자원부의 해양환경교육 47 학교 환경교육 개요 47 초등학교 환경 교과목 분석 49 중학교 '환경' 분석 52 고등학교 '생태와 환경' 분석 53 초·중·고 환경 교과목 분석 55

3.3. 한국 NGO(Non Governmental Organization) 차원의 해양환경교육 55

3.3.1. 개요 55

3.3.2. '민간 환경교육 단체·프로그램 데이터베이스' 분석 56

3.3.3. 인천환경운동연합 60

3.3.4. 녹색연합 61

3.3.5. 거제환경운동연합 62

3.3.6. 부산 YWCA 63

3.4. 한국 해양환경교육 분석 64

3.5. 미국의 해양환경교육 67

3.5.1. 개요 67

3.5.2. GO차원의 해양환경교육 68

3.5.3. NGO차원의 해양환경교육 70

3.5.4. 미국의 해양환경교육 분석 70

3.6. 호주의 해양환경교육 71

3.6.1. 개요 71

3.6.2. GO 및 NGO차원의 해양환경교육 72

3.6.3. 호주의 해양환경교육 분석 73

3.7. 일본의 해양환경교육 74

3.7.1. 개요 74

3.7.2. GO 차원의 해양환경교육 76 해상보안청의 '전국 바다 재생 프로그램' 77 어촌의 블루 투어리즘(Blue tourism) 78

3.7.3. NGO/NPO 차원의 해양환경교육 80 해양 시설을 이용한 해양환경교육 80 쿠시모토(串本) 해중공원 80

3.7.4. 일본의 해양환경교육 분석 81

제4장 해양환경교육 설문조사 분석 83

4.1. 설문조사의 필요성 및 목적 83

4.2. 조사방법 84

4.2.1. 조사대상 84

4.2.2. 표집방법 84

4.2.3. 조사내용 및 조사도구 84

4.2.4. 자료수집 방법 85

4.2.5. 분석방법 86

4.3. 분석결과 86

4.3.1. 응답자의 일반적 특성 86

4.3.2. 해양환경 이용 실태 87 바다에 대한 정보원 분석 87 바닷가에 가본 경험 분석 90 중학생 이상 응답자 중 바다를 처음 접한 나이 분석 90 바다에서 경험한 활동 분석 91

4.3.3. 환경교육에 대한 태도 92 해안가 쓰레기통을 없애도 좋은가에 대한 응답 분석 92 해수욕장에 들어가기 전 행하는 15분 환경교육에 대한 응답 분석 93

4.3.4. 해양환경교육 실태 94 일반 환경교육 경험 유무 분석 94 해양환경교육 경험 분석 96

4.3.5. 현장 해양 체험학습 방향 설정을 위한 질문 103 이상적인 갯벌 체험기간 분석 103 단체 중심 체험과 가족 중심 체험의 선호도 분석 104 예시 된 6곳 현장체험장소에 대한 선호도 분석 106 예시 된 5종 현장체험 활동에 대한 선호도 분석 110

4.4. 분석결과 요약 및 시사점 112

제5장 결론 및 제언 114

5.1. 결론 114

5.2. 제언 118

참고자료 120

부록 123

바다와 갯벌에 관한 질문(초등학생용) 123

해양환경교육 설문조사 127

Abstract 132

감사의 글 135

Table 3-1. The number of user of Ganjeolkot lighthouse, Ulsan 29

Table 3-2. Time table for No.2 course of 'open sea school' 34

Table 3-3-1. Visit to web site of MOMAF 35

Table 3-3-2. Experience of the text of marine environmental education 35

Table 3-3-3. Awareness of the goal of the course 36

Table 3-3-4. Interest in the course 36

Table 3-3-5. Age * interest crosstabulation 37

Table 3-3-6. Interesting site of field trip 38

Table 3-3-7. Subject to want to know 38

Table 3-3-8. Satisfaction of the course 40

Table 3-3-9. Age * satisfaction crosstabulation 40

Table 3-3-10. Impressed place 41

Table 3-3-11. Was the content of the course new? 42

Table 3-3-12. Relevancy between the course and textbook 42

Table 3-4. Marine environmental education of NGOs 57

Table 4-1. Number of samples per age, sex & residence 87

Table 4-2. Information source of marine field 88

Table 4-3. Marine information source per age 89

Table 4-4. Experience of sea 90

Table 4-5. Time of first experience of sea 91

Table 4-6. Experienced marine activity 92

Table 4-7. Opinion about removing seaside garbage can 93

Table 4-8. Opinion about 15 minutes marine environmental education before entering seaside beach 94

Table 4-9. Number of samples, experienced environmental education class 95

Table 4-10. Number of samples, experienced marine environmental education class 97

Table 4-12. Duration of marine environmental education class 99

Table 4-13. Teaching material or method for marine environmental education 100

Table 4-15. Major contents of marine environmental education class 102

Table 4-16. Preferred major contents of marine environmental education class 103

Table 4-17. Preferred duration of marine environmental examination 104

Table 4-18. Marine examination - with who? 105

Table 4-19. Age * marine examination-with who? crosstabulation 105

Table 4-20. Preference level of marine examination site 107

Table 4-21. Age * preference level well-known site by mass media crosstabulation 108

Table 4-22. Age * preference level-on board ship crosstabulation 109

Table 4-23. Preference level of marine examination contents 111

Fig. 3-1. Monthly change of number of visitor at Ganjeokot lighthouse, Ulsan. 29

Fig. 3-2. Muan tidal flat as a site for marine field trip. 31

Fig. 3-3. Glass boat of kushimoto marine park, Japan. 81

Fig. 4-1. Information source of marine field. 88

Fig. 4-2. Tendency of number of samples, experienced environmental education class. 96

초록보기 더보기

Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. As a components of environment, Korean coasts and ocean suffered from increasing environmental pressure, as like reclamation, oil pollution, public tourism, etc. Now, it is a time to promote marine environmental education to change the marine environmental attitude of the public.

Education is the key in raising awareness for conservation our coasts and ocean. Marine habitats and species can not be valued if they are not known and damaging practices cannot be altered if they are not perceived to be threat. For such reasons environmental education, especially empirical education, is widely recognized as being crucial for achieving long­term conservation.

The purpose of this study was examine situation of Korean marine environmental education and reveal useful information for directing marine environmental education. In this study, marine environmental education examined in two fields, Korean education and foreign country's education(USA, Australia and Japan), and then these fields divided into two factors, GO side education and NGO side education.

Through the research of literature and internet on the subject, useful ideas for marine education were drawn. In addition to this approach, Korean marine conservation education was assessed, using social survey techniques at Pusan and Ulsan areas.

From the literature and internet study, traditional culture, educational center based on user friendly internet link and programs linked with contents of class in school was recommended in marine environmental education.

From the survey results, the number of educated person in marine environmental education was 37.9% of the answer. But 79% of marine conservation education conducted in class roon under lecturer. The most preferred marine activity was examination of tidal flat, and the others. But preferred level of the others was different according to answer's age. Preferred level of examination site was different according to age, too. So, before planning marine filed study, age of applicants must be referred.


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