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검색결과 (전체 1건)


750kw급 풍력발전기의 구조진동 및 소음특성에 관한 연구 / 박기영 인기도
춘천 : 강원대학교 대학원, 2004.2
TM 621.313 ㅂ146ㅊ
vi, 38 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 강원대학교 대학원, 기계·메카트로닉스공학, 2004.2




1. 서론 10

2. 750kW 급 풍력발전기의 제원 12

3. 풍력발전기의 구조진동 문제 14

4. 타워구조의 고유진동수와 진동모드 17

4.1 이론적 고찰 17

1)원통형 타워의 고유진동수 17

2) 발전기를 포함한 타워구조의 고유진동수 18

4.2 유한요소 해석 20

1) 유한요소 모델링 20

2)원통쉘 타워의 해석결과 21

4.3 집중질량을 갖는 원통쉘 해석 22

1) 실제 타워구조의 해석결과 23

5. 타워 구조의 진동측정 25

5.1 예비실험 25

5.2 현장 측정 26

5.3 현장 측정 결과 28

6. 풍력 발전기의 소음측정 33

6.1 측정 장비 33

6.2 측정 기준 34

1) 측정 위치 34

2) 측정 데이터 35

6.3 측정 결과 36

6.4 암소음 측정 38

6.5 블레이드만의 소음 계산과 소음규제 기준 40

7. 결론 44

참고문헌 46

Abstract 48

감사의 글 50

Fig .1 750kW wind turbine generator 12

Fig .2 Drawing of the manufactured tower structure 12

Fig .3 Dynamic loads of a wind turbine structure 15

Fig .4 F requency response characteristics of a 3- bladed wind turbine 15

Fig .5 Tower frequencies v .s . rotor speed in a 3- bladed wind turbine 16

Fig .6 S implified tower model for theoretical analysis 19

Fig .7 Finite element model of the tubular tower structure 20

Fig .8 Vibration modes of tower 24

Fig .9 Vibration modes of tower and nacell/ rotor system 24

Fig .10 Calibration Chart for Accelerometer 25

Fig .11 Test measurement 25

Fig .12 Power spectrum of the acceleration 26

Fig .13 Measurement of the acceleration 27

Fig .14 Position of the acceleration on the circumference and wind direction 27

Fig .15 Vibration level and spectrum[rotor speed:9.4rpm, wind s peed:3.4m/ s ] 29

Fig .16 Vibration level and spectrum[rotor speed:10rpm, wind speed:3.9m/ s ] 30

Fig .17 Vibration level and spectrum[rotor speed:13.5rpm, wind speed:5m/ s ] 31

Fig .18 Vibration level and spectrum[rotor speed:16.7rpm, wind speed:5.4m / s ] 31

Fig .19 Vibration level and spectrum[rotor speed:18.1rpm, wind speed:6.4m / s ] 32

Fig .20 Noise measurement at the test site 33

Fig .21 Mounting of microphone 34

Fig .22 Microphone measurement positions 35

Fig .23 Leq and 1/ 3 Octave band spectrum at position (4.63m/ s , 10.44rpm) 37

Fig .24 Leq and 1/ 3 Octave band spectrum at position (4.45m/ s , 11.58rpm) 37

Fig .25 Leq and 1/ 3 Octave band spectrum at position (4.63m/ s , 11.35rpm) 38

Fig .26 Leq and 1/ 3 Octave band spectrum at position (4.20m/ s , 11.51rpm) 38

Fig. 27 1/ 3 octave band spectrum at position (w ind s peed 4.01m / s , Leq=38.4dB) 39

Fig .28 1/ 3 octave band spectrum at position (wind speed 4.00m / s , Leq=37.6dB) 39

Fig .29 1/ 3 octave band spectrum at position (wind speed 4.03m / s , Leq=33.9dB) 39

Fig .30 1/ 3 octave band spectrum at position (wind speed 4.18m / s , Leq=39.4dB) 40

Table 1 Specification of 750kW W/ T 13

Table 2 Natural frequencies of cylindrical shell 22

Table 3 Natural frequencies of cylindrical shell with concentrated mass 23

Table 4 Vibration level and maximum peak frequency 28

Table 5 Correction by back ground noise 40

Table 6 Regulation standard of the environmental noise. [dB(A)] 42

Table 7 Noise effluent quality standard 43


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